SEO: what is it?

SEO: what is it?

SEO Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and refers to all tools and techniques to be well referenced by search engines (Google etc.), Well ranked for specifics keywords in the search engine results page

Note: SEO should not be confused with SEA (Search Engine Advertising also known as SEM Search Engine Marketing), which refers to paid search techniques, sponsored links or commercial links. The SEA is concretized by the appearance of links above and to the right of the natural (or organic) results on search engines and directories when a user types a word or an expression.

Why is SEO so important?

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What good is a website if it's to stay isolated from the World Wide Web? Not being present or misplaced on the search engines means little or no visitors to your site. No visitors, no customers, nothing for you if you have an e-shop and no possibility to reach the Internet users potentially interested in your activities, products or services ...

But what to do about it? For this, simply after the creation of your website, optimize your site for search engines. This is called SEO optimization. Here are some tips to help you ...

How does a search engine work ?

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Google actually has its own robots, also called "Crawlers" that regularly browse the internet to scan and check the contents and updates of websites. These analyzes do not take place every day. That's why you will not notice a change in your SEO immediately after making updates to your site.

Note: robots (or "Bots") move from one web page to another via the famous "links" (or "hypertext links"). It is therefore very important that the robot finds links on its way.

SEO: on-site and off-site optimization

There are indeed several ways to optimize your site that are often complementary!

SEO optimization "on site" means optimizing the internal parameters and content of your site that will allow Google robots to better index your site.

"Offsite" optimization is all the actions you can take on the Internet outside your site to promote your site and optimize its position on search results (for example, getting links on other sites).


