SEO visibility: what is it and how to improve it.

SEO visibility: what is it and how to improve it.

SEO is an ongoing, time-consuming process that requires a lot of effort and attention as search engines constantly change their algorithms and make updates to rules and guidelines. To maintain high rankings for your website, you need to regularly monitor changes and make the necessary adjustments to your SEO strategy.

The main objective SEO promotion – improve the visibility of the resource in search engines. The better a site is optimized, the more relevant it becomes to user queries, and accordingly its position in search results increases.

Website visibility is that part of the target audience that will see a link to your resource in the search for the entered query. The more queries you use and the higher the site’s position for them, the higher the site’s visibility in search.

If visibility grows, it means you are doing everything right, the resource’s traffic is growing, the number of customers is increasing; if it stays the same or decreases, something is wrong with SEO. This is a fairly objective indicator in promotion. It is recommended to check the visibility of the resource in search engines on a monthly basis.

How to improve website visibility

Below we will look at what actions you need to take to increase your site’s visibility in Google.

Competitor analysis

Surely, some of your competitors were able to understand long ago what works in website promotion and what doesn’t, and took top positions in search results. Therefore, you just need to spend time and attention to study and competitor analysis and obtain the required information for the job, thereby reducing the risk of failure.

Pay attention to everything: appearance, specifics of important conversion pages, quality of content, presence of interactive elements, mobile version, look for non-standard components. This will allow you to create a list of improvements and then implement them on your resource.

Keyword Research

This is one of the first and main steps in SEO promotion. This research can help you find out what words or phrases consumers use to find relevant information related to your niche online.

There are many services for searching and analyzing keywords that will help you see data on the number of requests for specific keywords, competition for similar requests and other useful information. These tools are described in more detail in our other article.

Once you’ve figured out which keywords are popular in your niche, you can use them to optimize the content on your site. The main thing to remember is not to overload your content with key queries, this may have a bad effect on your site’s ranking in the search engine. Also, don’t forget about long key phrases, which may not be so popular, but at the same time correctly and accurately show user queries. Using such phrases, you can get more targeted traffic.

Even if a good semantic core has been collected and correctly distributed across landing pages, you still need to expand the semantics from time to time, especially when changes occur frequently in the niche. The relevance of queries decreases over time, and new keys appear. We recommend updating the semantic core once every six months.

Improving existing pages

This is the case when one of the most effective and obvious methods in SEO is not used so often. Refining existing pages is a rather labor-intensive process, but fundamental. It is necessary so that “old” pages do not drag the site down, even if new high-quality pages are created.

Improvements that can be made for quick and noticeable results:

  1. Write unique Title/Description meta tags optimized for target queries;
  2. Add useful, unique and relevant content to those pages where there is no text, and you can even increase its volume where there is little text;
  3. Work out the structure of the content and pages (you can add photos or videos);
  4. View in the webmasters panel for which queries there were impressions and add them to the page content;
  5. Based on the analysis of competitors, you can find many interesting ideas for use on important landing pages of your resource.

Content optimization

  • Use keywords in meta tags

Meta description is a concise description of the page, which is visible in search results. The use of keywords in it attracts the interest of consumers and helps search engines recognize what is written on the page.

  • Add clues to text

They should be harmoniously located in the text, and not fit into it simply for the sake of presence. Use queries in headings, subheadings, paragraphs, and lists.

  • Write keywords in the title of images

If the image contains a key query, this will give the search robot an understanding of what is displayed on the page and what is offered there.

  • Control keyword density

Keyword density is the number of times they are used in a text in relation to the total number of words in it. Remember that you cannot use them many times to avoid negative ratings from search engines. We have already mentioned this above.

  • Different types can be used content, for example: customer reviews or product reviews in video format, answers to questions, news digests and interviews.

Working with a link profile

By carrying out this work, you can create high-quality backlinks, and also use eternal links. Let’s consider both options.


  • Create and publish useful, unique and relevant content on other sites (it is best to choose resources related to your topic, this way you will attract your target audience);
  • Conduct research and write about its results (this may attract the attention of other sites, and they will link to you; research topics that are interesting to your audience, and also answer questions);
  • Exchange links (when exchanging links with other sites, choose those that have a high rating and are related to your topic);

Eternal links

These are links that work all the time. They will be relevant for a long time. How can you get them?

  • Reviews and comments (they may contain a link to your website, if this does not contradict the rules of the resource on which you leave a comment or review);
  • Guest posts (when writing such a post for another site, include a link to yours);
  • Links on social networks (almost everyone uses them these days, so getting an eternal link this way is quite easy);
  • Buy eternal links (this can be done from specialized companies, the main thing is to choose a reliable one).

Optimizing the mobile version of the site

What needs to be done to achieve the desired result?

  1. Check how quickly the site loads. To do this, you can use one of the services: Google PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix. There you can see recommendations for increasing your download speed.
  2. Check out the adapter. This way you can make sure that the site adapts to different sizes of gadget displays.
  3. Compress images. They can have a negative impact on page loading speed, so it is worth using compression, this way the size will be reduced, but the quality will remain almost the same.
  4. Don’t use large files. Audio or video can also slow down page loading speed. You can place them on other platforms, and simply leave a link in their place.
  5. Use caching. It will allow you to save some information on the user’s device, and during future visits to the site it will speed up its loading.
  6. Optimize your code. You need to make sure that your resource code follows the rules of JavaScript, HTML and CSS and does not use outdated functions and methods. This will also make pages load faster.
  7. Check functionality on smartphones. Look at how your site displays and works on different devices to make sure everything is done correctly.

These are all very important points, since users do not want to wait a long time for a page to load or interact with a resource that is not adapted for mobile devices. They simply leave it, and if this is a massive action, then such negative signals will be taken into account by search engines when ranking.

Let’s sum it up

In this article, we looked at what website visibility is and also provided recommendations on how to increase your website’s visibility in Google. And among them there is not a single one that would be an insoluble task; you just need to allocate time to complete it. For projects that have already existed for a certain time, this is especially true, because with the help of these recipes you can get the most from the site and increase the return on your efforts.



