This SEO Tool is Just Too Good
William Mabra
Are you STILL doing on page SEO tasks manuallly? Its 2024 you dont have to do any more! Alli AI handles 90% of on page SEO with 1 click. Ask me for a demo
I hope you're sitting down for this. Because I'm about to brag and complain about business at the same time. The biggest challenge we have in growing our SEO tool company right now is that Our product is too good.
You see, a few months ago, we debuted Self-Optimizing SEO. It does what it sounds like - we optimize your website for you automatically in minutes. Here's what some of our users have said about it:
Sounds great, right? Here's the problem: They tell us that, but they don't tell anyone else.
Do you know why? Because Self-Optimizing SEO is their secret weapon. Think about your business. Imagine you have something that normally takes months of work -- like making the thousands of code changes by hand it takes to optimize a website for SEO.
*Suddenly, a tool comes along that does all of that work for you, automatically, instantly.*
Would you tell the whole world including your competition -- about it? OR - would you use that secret weapon to get ahead? The answer is obvious.
So while I'd love to blame our customers for not shouting our name from the rooftops, I understand. And anyway, despite their best efforts ?? we've been growing plenty fast anyway. In fact, as of this moment, we've made over 8.5 million SEO code changes to users' websites.
You might be wondering how many SEO code optimizations we could do for your site...
500? 10,000? 100,000? Maybe. The more pages your site has the more valuable this tool becomes to you. The good news is, you can find out right now for free.
Setup is a simple and takes three steps. From start to finish you can have your website optimized for SEO in 15 minutes or less.
Just promise you won't tell anybody about it!!!! ??