SEO on Steroids

SEO (Search Engine Optimization), is sometimes one of the least appreciated of all internet strategies. Why? Mainly because there are so many businesses vying for the top handful of spots on page 1 of…, well, Google. There are others but the word Google has become a verb for searching the Internet, just like hoover became a verb for vacuum cleaning.

Is it worth it?

It seems like SEO is almost not worth really trying, doesn’t it? “Getting to page one just takes so long.” We hear. “SEO can take months before you even see the slightest improvement.” Yes, both these things are true. But I’m here to tell you that it’s worth it. It’s worth it because you can win in at least one, maybe, two ways. Two ways, if you pay for advertising. The other way you can win, is simply by gaining more customers because they can find you. You cut your costs and improve your income. Boom, boom!

Search engines are a moving target

It does take a lot of work. But it’s done by professionals like us who are experienced in online marketing and the ways of how search engines work. Yes, they change their ways, but it’s our business to learn and keep up with the changes.

The Googles and Bings might make radical changes that throw everybody off the scent for a while. That’s just to ensure the search results being shown are relevant to the person doing the searching, and that the prized positions are not flooded by computer-based systems that simply bully their way into that position. Even so, unfortunately, this still does happen.

What are the important things?

There are some key things that help a website climb up the rankings? Number one is probably content. Relevant content that is respected and referred to by websites trusted by the search engines. When I say referred to, I mean sites that contain links back to your website because your content is congruent and/or complimentary with their content.

These links are called “backlinks”. Backlinks, if from valued sources, are like gold dust. They can give ultimate kudos that will help your site rise like cream to the top. Having said that, your particular market may already contain some fierce competition. If the competition knows a thing or two, they can be tough to overcome.


Fortunately, most of the competition does know a thing or two. Literally, and that’s it, and no more. Luckily, we’ve done our homework, again, literally. And we continue to do our homework. Because, if you don’t continue with it, you become complacent and start to lag behind.

It can be a tough job, and that’s why a lot of people get tired of it and can’t be bothered. Then slowly, but surely, the results start to fade away, imperceptibly, at first. Is it the time of year? Has the market slowed? Is it the economy? No, you’ve taken your eye off the ball and dropped it.

SEO is a skill that is forever continuing to evolve.

SEO, as with all the online marketing skills, is just that, a skill. It’s also an art and a valid profession. Just like whatever you do in your business, it takes dedicated training. A lot of it. It takes trial and error and it can be a painful learning curve that gets you to a position where you can help businesses in their hour of need. And that’s what we do.

Planning ahead

What is it that you want to achieve with your business? Have you set business goals? Are they SMART? Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant/Realistic, and Time-bound? Tell us about your business and your website. We’ll take a look and do an audit to highlight any possible areas that might need improvement. Sometimes, the slightest, little adjustment can have a huge beneficial effect on the performance of a business.

Cutting costs here, investing there, plus a little restructuring, and wow! Three months down the road…! That’s all it took?

Domination is the name of the game!

If your market is local to you, contact me. I'll be able to assess your website against your competition and give you an idea of what you can do to climb up the rankings.

[email protected] +1 301 304 6646


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