SEO is a scam
Hello loyal readers,
Trolling through the interwebs last night I stumbled upon something concerning.
It was a post on the app formerly known as Twitter proclaiming that all SEO is a scam!
As an avid provocateur of SEO, I was shocked and saddened to read such drivel.
Surely this couldn't be true.
Then I read on to learn he was talking about one of his new SEO clients and how they had paid an online reputation management firm a small fortune to remove a negative review on their Google Business Listing.
Once the review was removed, Google took down their entire business listing!
So in essence, this really had nothing to do with SEO except for the fact that this company knows how important reviews are to their business and knew they needed to get rid of the bad ones.
But you see, big Daddy G doesn't play this game. And they know when it's happening and they take very strict measures to combat it.
They don't care if you've had a Google business account for 15 years, if you try and mess with their intricate algorithm they will bust you.
So don't be fooled by anyone selling you reputation management for Google Business Listings.
These listings are the lifeblood of local businesses. You don't even need a great website to rank well. You simply need a lot of reviews.
50 - 250 reviews of your business will make you the cream of the crop in most cases.
So thats your task for the next few days if you own a business.
Reach out to your clients and ask them for an honest review of your business.
Also, reach out to ALL your friends who love you and ask them to write a review as well. Give them some words if they need it.
Bribe everyone with cake, money, beer, or kindness. Whatever it takes to get those reviews flowing.
This will prove more valuable than any SEO you can buy.
But if you want SEO help, or you need SEO help. DM me here on Linkedin.
Happy Monday!
John Alewine