SEO For Different Search Engines
Silvia Del Corso
Director at PinkSEO Ltd, London-based Award-winning SEO Agency ??? | Proud Britalian ??
Capture privacy-conscious users and boost visibility across platforms.
One question that we often get asked is:
"Do I need to optimise my website SEO for people who use DuckDuckGo?"
As privacy concerns grow, more people are turning to DuckDuckGo, a search engine that prides itself on "no tracking, no ad targeting, just searching."
By analysing Google Analytics for many of our clients, we've noticed an upward trend in users coming through DuckDuckGo year over year.
How is DuckDuckGo different from Google Search?
Well, there is one main difference. Since DuckDuckGo focuses on privacy, it does not know exactly where the search is located.
However, it can approximate the location information through a geo IP lookup.
Basically, when you hit the search button, your computer sends your search request to the search engine.
In that request, your computer adds some information. For example, your location sharing. If you opted in, which gives an approximate location, it’s never exact, but even if you don’t opt-in sharing the location, the request includes the IP address, which has this approximate location via the closest point.
Therefore, if you are on DuckDuckGo and search ‘pizza near me’, even without enabling the location, you will see that suggestions are located quite close to you which is useful.
Our Approach to Optimising for DuckDuckGo
We ensure that your business can be easily found on DuckDuckGo by following these key steps:
Why Choose Us?
With our extensive experience and proven strategies, we optimise your site not only for Google but also for DuckDuckGo, ensuring you capture the growing audience that values privacy.
Our tailored approach guarantees that your business can be found easily and reliably across multiple search engines.
Would you like to see how we can help you be found online through comprehensive SEO strategies? Contact us today for a complimentary SEO audit and consultation.
Last Update: Oct 24