SEO Consulting Services
When hiring an SEO company it can be difficult knowing what to look for that will get the best results possible. Content marketing and SEO used to be two completely different strategies but they now need to be one and the same for your inbound marketing strategy. They simply do not work without each other any longer. SEO is content marketing & content marketing is SEO. I would recommend two-thirds of your monthly efforts should be used on content marketing for the best possible SEO results, possibly more. The other third of your time should be spent on organic link building.
The leftover 1% and overtime should be spent on a deep dive into one of the other twenty-five to thirty or so things that should be optimized for SEO. Focus on a different one every month.
For SEO services that will deliver the best possible results, you also need to be reviewing Google analytics and adjusting every month as needed. You should always be split testing and improving results whenever possible. Here is what SEO consulting services should offer.
#1 Quality Content - The most important thing for SEO today. Four articles per week or more is ideal but one or two will still help tremendously. Focus on quality, not quantity.
#2 High domain authority links. Don't worry about incoming links from low ranking websites. They will come without effort. Links from top sites is what makes a difference. This can be as simple as signing up for a Twitter account that links to your website.
#3 - #8, These are the most important things you need to work on for SEO when you have maxed out content marketing and link building for the month.
Keyword Research - Make sure you are supporting all of your work around the best possible keywords.
Crawl - Sitemaps help users navigate your site quickly and easily.
Local SEO - This is important for all types of businesses, even ones that sell globally with no local presence.
HTML Title Tags - The title tag is a section of HTML code that every page should have. It declares what the page’s title is.
Domain Authority - If you are doing things correctly your domain authority should slowly but surely be rising every month.
Repeat visitors - 20% is a healthy goal. This tells Google your site is bringing people back for more information.
#9 - #20, This tier is still important and should not be neglected.
Fresh Content - Publishing at least one article per week, ideally four. Remember, quality content is #1. Do not publish garbage, it's a waste of time.
Influencer Marketing - Shares from well-established sites with a high amount of followers. This will boost your content into the top of keyword searches down the road.
Meta Tags - Need top be optimized for every article. Keep them to approximately 155 characters.
Bounce Rate - The lower the better. A high bounce rate tells Google people do not like your site and they want to leave as soon as they arrive. Another reason to focus on quality content for your ideal buyer.
Longtail Keywords - 70% of all web traffic is from long tail keywords. With a much lower competition than normal keywords.
Anchor text - The words that are used in links to your site. If anything is over 30% your site will be penalized. This tells Google your links did not come in organically.
Social Media Presence - The more social media presence you have the more you can influence how popular new content is. A snowball effect that makes SEO easier the longer you commit to it.
Mobile Friendly - Your website needs to be mobile-friendly.
Site Structure - Needs to always be optimized for SEO.
Images - All images should be optimized with an alt tag keyword.
Site age - The older the better.
Country - Country of origin is important. Links from foreign websites can raise red flags. 3000 links from Belarus leads Google to think you bought links from a link farm.
#21- #28 All things being equal, these details will separate your site from the competition in highly competitive keywords.
Social Media Shares - The more shares your new articles get the better they will rank down the road.
Links - Number of links. Not nearly as important as high domain authority links but still a factor.
Speed - Your website needs to be fast when loading. A pet peeve of the Google founders from day one.
Header tags - They need to be keyword focused for all articles.
URLs - Optimized and shortened with keywords for all articles.
Answers - Content should answer a direct question when possible (quickest way to #1 on Google).
Security - Website needs to be secure for visitors.
If you need help with SEO Consulting Services just click on the link to learn more.