SEO in 2020 - It Doesn't Have to be That Hard
William Mabra
Are you STILL doing on page SEO tasks manuallly? Its 2024 you dont have to do any more! Alli AI handles 90% of on page SEO with 1 click. Ask me for a demo
It used to be the number one thing about SEO I'd hear from business owners. "It all just seems so complicated. I just want to focus on my business."
You see there's a lot of information out there about SEO, most of it bad.
The problem with SEO is that *anybody* can call themselves an SEO. There's no university program, no accreditation (not really anyway). There's no way to really know if you have made a wise investment until 30-60 days or longer after you have already spent your money.
Sure, you could always just throw money at the problem and hire the most expensive agency to do everything for you, but what's your guarantee that you get a good return on your investment? A lot of businesses would just get overwhelmed by all the technicalities, throw their hands up and not do any SEO at all!
Maybe you can relate?
Hey, I get it. But at the same time that leads to a whole lot of lost revenue over the years. The "SEO is complicated" myth has its roots in the SEO community. You see, "gurus" and "experts" always want to make things seem more complicated than they are so you'll hire them, buy their books, their courses, follow their 1,000 point checklists etc.
The fact is, SEO is actually simple. You need to:
1. Optimize your website pages for SEO
2. Get backlinks
3. Rinse and repeat
Sure, you could probably follow the traditional advice and make this super complicated and take up years of your life. Or you could just use the right tools that make your website optimize itself.
It is Up to you! If you would like to see what it is like doing SEO the easy way? click here