Chukwuebuka Abazie
Entrepreneur & Research Expert | Author & Life Coach | Transformative Leadership Strategist | Product Designer
Omo, every youth should cultivate the life of diligence. Living a diligent life as a young man or woman makes room for the free flow of divine intelligence. That’s pure facts, I do not care how you choose to see this, it is your opinion and certainly opinions only matters to “you” and not others.
Listen, you cannot ask God for a diligent career or job and you’re living recklessly. Who does that? ??
For the fact your prayers are not answered yet doesn’t mean God didn’t hear them, There’s a bridge between your reach to your miracles from God and that is “SIN”. I am not a hypocrite and certainly not judging anyone, besides I am a young and vibrant man who loves nice things and enjoyment of life. But right now, I can’t ball outside to the world without balling inside my prayer room with the Holy Ghost. It’s a habit I’ve cultivated overtime and right now it’s a lifestyle to me.?
There is nobody outside the reach of Christ, there is no mountain God cannot bring down for your sake but you have to bridge that gap between you and God so he can get to you.
I tend to question God most times, Like why do our enemies feel they can really defeat someone who is deeply rooted in Jesus Christ? cuz I find it very funny. ???? The answer God laid in my spirit was “There’s no sentiment to diligence”. A diligent believer has nothing to fear, worry or stress on. Your enemies will try to stop, block or kill you yet all they do is in VAIN !!
It’s so pathetic, so sad that I feel like sympathising with them??! You know, all their hope to take my life failed and backfired, all their plans to slow and destroy my happiness backfired 10 times to them!
For my bible clearly says; “They shall gather, and because the gathering is not of the LORD so shall they scatter!” When the hand of God is upon a man or woman there is no power, no demon, duke, witch, wizard, hitman spirit, monitoring spirit, evil eyes spirit, demonic networks and hosts of hell that can touch your life.
There is no protection that supersedes the protection of God, There’s nothing they or their coven of witches and occultists can do to stop you from doing the lord’s work and fulfilling your destiny.
Remember? The Lord said he will prepare a table before you, in the presence of your enemies and he will anoint your head with oil so that your cup will overflow.?
So part of your enemies karma is to watch you rise!!! Yes, they are addicted to Watching you but they can’t Touch you.
I can bank on that..??
Love and Light
Bazzy Francis