Sensor triggered workflow
Workflow solutions have made most work processes more efficient by automating the progression of tasks, events, and interactions that comprise a work process. How each step typically gets triggered and then completed is based on user interacting with an assigned task, on timers, or changes in a data value.
In many processes, such as a manufacturing assembly line or the reconditioning of a used car, an item moves through a series of discrete steps and the movement of that item to a definable area initiates the step and the movement away completes that step. Most systems designed to manage that movement requires some interaction by a user to move it from step to step. Anytime you require user interaction to keep a monitoring solution updated you run the risk of user delays, mistakes, or nonaction. Any of these will impact the integrity of data being used to monitor the process and your ability to manage it.
To tackle this challenge we have integrated workflow technology and IoT sensors that we have developed. We configure stations that read IoT sensors attached to items that are moving through the process and trigger a workflow timer when an item first enters a defined area and trigger a completion when it leaves the area. The workflow engine is responsible for alerts and notifications if an item stays at a step longer than expected, moves to a wrong step, or has been missing from the expected next step too long. By removing the user interaction element out of the process the data is more reliable and issues are identified earlier so that they can be resolved sooner.
With better data processes can be more reliably monitored and managed to their highest efficiency.
You can learn more about our solutions at and Together they make your workflow processes better.