Sensitive to our Health Be sensitive to Environment changes

Sensitive to our Health Be sensitive to Environment changes

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Compare our photo a few years ago and compare our photo now.

Check what are the difference. Use our five senses to know the difference i.e.smell,taste,hear,sight,touch and subconscious mind.

Check the following:-

1.Do we have white hair suddenly which we don't have in the past or feel shaking in the internal organs?

Check our roof or on top of our office room building is placed with unknown radiators which is damaging our brain cells which can cause cancer in long term due to position conflicts.

2.Is our skin colour is different now compare to the past?

Are we breathing in carbon or drinking carbon without knowing which can changed our skin texture because of beauty/handsome jealousy or appearance jealousy

3.Whether we have non straight or high pressure face and having breathing difficulty?

That means the stroke air or ischimic air or heart attack air is release to our environment and it could cost our life.

4.If we smell some abnormal chemical smell which in the past we don't have such smell, check what is the changes to our internal organs or our brain or our features.

5.Check water

Whether water colour is different or is there any substance floating in the water.Does the water smell normal? Whether water pipe is disturbed? Ensure own portable water filter all the bad substance if the water filter and water pipe is being disturbed from outside. Use filter that can filter away the unknown substance.

6.If air cond or water pipe and roof are being disturbed,you have to buy lock for fridge and clothing. Clean air cond & water filter frequently.Be observant to any food or drinks input because garbage in garbage out.

7.Check washing machine whether water are cleaned,disinfect washing machine frequently.

8.Whether on top of the nose or under the nose are in blackish.

Check water with Ph meter to ensure water are safe to drinks check the PH before boil,after boil and after storage to ensure water container are safe and good to health.

Finally, Be sensitive to (hOme OffiCE,cAR,TranspORt such as Train,Lorries,Van,Bus)'s AIR Conditioner which can release chemical air which has hair dropping effects or Stroke air or Carbon or Sleepy air which can create accidents on the road because of positions conflict or wealth take over or assets take over or home take over or company ownership take over or money take over.

Be grateful if you are earning at this type of Covid-19 situations, be low profile because they are some imbalance people who are searching for identity to take over with babies clones to replace past generation and they have whole group of BioGasSmokesChemicalDrugsITchynessAcidErodedBones team who are attacking US with Covid-19 or mOnKEY pOX from road to hOME to OfficE to TranspORt.

If We discovers those car are rounding any area and they are not the hOME owners,please report to police for environment our Health & safety purposes.

We understand that Gas/Smokes/Chemicals/Acid are non digestible by the EaRtH. When the EaRtH SNEEZE it will be Earthquake or tsunami or GAS EXplosiOn from AIR Conditioner when lighter is on. We are blessed with non earthquake and non tsunami area. Don't change this to non strategic options.

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