What does all of this even mean? Who exactly gets to make up the rules? I am trying to figure this same thing out; myself. Why is it fair; not to use market values, over speculation? That's like saying Kobe Bryant just scored another three pointer; while watching the counter mark, his accomplishment. And then; in the same breath, saying, or better yet claiming its "worth" only 1.5 points?
IN my Little John And The East Side Boyz; voice.
This is just like the bullshit with these dumb ass record labels; showcasing profits and losses during the months of June. This sets their market caps; according to them? What kind of dysfunctional system is this?
Anyway. That one word is the entire sentence. It makes no sense. Data points are the best that they have ever been. The way certain entities evaluate things is clearly flawed. This is not only for artists like myself. This is in the general consensus of business in general; period. Timing is key. And only the market can time the markets; and give value to things in, and within that market.
Here will be two wild card examples.
Dominican Republic.
$10.00 Dollars buys you a full meal for (1.5 - 2.0) people; at the beach. This is a resort area/ tourist area, that the locals can still afford. Popeye's migrates to the island. A $18.99 Combo in the United States, is still $18.99 USD; in Dominican Republic. Where is the perceived value there? Zero. This treat, is aimed at American consumers. They can afford to pay this premium; even overseas. The locals have to work there to get the chance to buy food there. Their budget is below $5.00/ meal. Most of the country; perhaps 87% are still in the 90%, that have to survive with $4.00/ day.
What can we learn here?
Everything that glitters is not gold. Things may not be what they appear. One would think of progress, by seeing so many franchises on the developing island. What you see instead is opportunistic greed, fueled by corporate bullshit. Why? Because, they are not sourcing chicken from overseas, and ingredients. Everything comes from the United States, at United States prices. If Apple did that in America, the Iphone would be $18,000.00 instead of $2,000.00.
People go to the Dominican Republic to buy real estate and develop all new investments, to complement those additional benefits. Less regulatory limitations to actually modernize and better implement all new industries and ventures. That is true business, developmental growth; that all benefit from. But; if all you are doing is importing all of the United States problems. Why not just open another KFC in Kentucky instead?
That is the part that fries my biscuits.
So if you clearly see Michael Jordan grab a rebound, and score on his lay up; two points. How can anyone allow, or accept anything below those two points?
Its like voodoo in business. How can anyone else dictate, what any values are, when there is a system in place; that we all can see? We consume the game. We see all of the parameters between players individually and teams. We follow the conferences and keep up to date with all of the stats. How can they, fool us into accepting their dark magic?
Once we certified; through Nike, that a Pair of Jordan basketball shoes should retail for $19.99 max. We should have never paid one cent over that price. What did people actually do? Continue to buy them at $100.00, $150.00, $185.00, and eventually $300.00+ . Life continues right? Fuck that.
What did the company actually do?
Sell you a retail product that is 8,000% profit at $19.99; for $250.00 @ 12,000% or more; especially when you calculate secondary and trimary markets.
We know how much the Yankees produce each year. It is public domain. We can calculate, based on true, and tried, day to day data; how much each players career is worth. There are minimum baselines. Period. A walk on, in any major league of sports; has a value, based on those same dynamics. How can anyone's speculations, have an input on those data points. That is why they are there right? To be used.
Each one of us, has to master how to create our own data models; just like Open Ai needs, mountains of data points "aka" learning models. It's the exactly same thing. We are the most valuable data points. We are the business, and its day to day functions. The human factor, is everything. Why are we afraid to hit the negotiation tables? The answer is simple. We should not be.
Today, I read an article about Rivian and their R1 model ranges. They are burning through close to $2 Billion dollars; per quarter. Think about the social/ political aspects of that; for the rest of us? We can not tell our family, about a family reunion, or a barbecue without delivering; ahead of time, without it turning into issues, drama, and unnecessary head aches.
The stock holders, and all other parties involved, are patiently waiting for positive yields; in the dividends. Without a hiccup. This is not like Jeff Bezos, and This is just; "development liabilities".
Which is not really cash/ or cash flow. This is just a good, line, of credit. All borrowed at the expense of; everyone and everything. Just like Warren Buffet said earlier this year; about insurance. He said it's interesting when you are placing a value, on "writing on a piece of paper".
Think about it? That is exactly how, I got into the insurance business; myself.
Rivian produces electric vehicles. I make music. What is the price of a stream? Bullshit. Why is the entire industry only focused on these inflated numbers? Simple. This is the true nature of the beast. They use those numbers as validation, to influence all; financial institutions, so that they continue to borrow and invest/ play, with other peoples money.
You see. It's all a game.
I finally; fully, realized that.
So my game now, is the credit game. It's all bullshit. Do this, this way, like this, because of that to make this; nothing burger. A credit score.
My score is a 750.
Right. Right. I get it.
Fuck that.
The national debt is $34 Trillion dollars and growing. My catalog is valued at a minimum of $45 Trillion. In order for the investors to make a profit. I can sell it for $27 Trillion dollars. They could profit $7 to $18 Trillion dollars. Easy.
Well if you get to make up the rules; we all, get to make up the rules.
I can name my own price right Flow?
So. The same thing.
My catalog has a baseline price; right? Well, let's multiply it by 10,000 years? And we will use your data models, to adjust for inflation?
See what I mean?
A dollar watch, buried in the sand for 1,000 is priceless. Do you see how they are hiding the truth about time?
Time is the main factor.
So let's use today's final example.
An artist secured a $70 Million dollar deal. For a little over 200 songs. I have 45 times more music. How much should I ask for? Do you see what I mean?
Divide it by; how much?
How do we land on a number?
Highest NFT sale is over $100 Million.
That is where I am headed. Fuck all of the bullshit.
And I still get to keep 100 of all of my, very own, intellectual property.
Fuck this system. And fuck all of the bullshit.
I built a model to showcase my catalogs daily, market value.
I will be building with NVDIA my data point model.
That is exactly what you need to do.
Any business. Any industry. Any product and any service. This is the computational power we all have at our fingertips.
I love you all. God bless.