Karl Dewazien
Emeritus State Director of Coaching, California Youth Soccer Assoc., Author & Creator of the FUNdamental SOCCER Player Development Methodology.
I truly believe that by thoughtfully reading this commentary; grasping its message and carrying-out what is proposed. We can retain players and bring about a dramatic increase in player registration.
It has been widely recognized that declining player registration is due to at least three major factors: cash, curriculum and coaching. We have addressed these issues and proposed many profound solutions to reverse this trend but may be difficult to apply. Finding solutions to complex problems such as this may not be as difficult as we might imagine. Please read on…
Twas the Night before … When all through the Land, Not a player was stirring, and we bet you think that's Grand!
Our uniforms were hung, and cleats polished with care, Our shin guards smelled funny, but the balls all had air.
We children were nestled all snug in our beds, While visions of soccer games danced in our heads;
The games were such fun; just youngsters and the ball, With no interference from adults at all.
Then out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, Just us kids having fun, SURPRISE, nothing's the matter;
We ran and we laughed, each giving our best, We are the only attraction, everyone else is our guest.
The moon up above gave the field such a glow Creating the feeling of magic for us down below;
When what to our wandering eyes should appear, Only positive comments from our Coaches all year!
The referee was in the center so lively and quick, If he wore red instead of black, it could've been St. Nick;
With patience and fairness the decisions then came; He whistled and pointed, never disrupting our game.
The parents and fans were supportive when they cheered, It's all about us kids; that's for whom this game's geared;
No arguing or complaining, no whining or screaming, Isn't it sad we only see this kind of game when we're dreaming?
Now Referees! Now Parents! Now Coaches and Spectators, On Clubs! On Leagues! On Boards and Administrators,
Lean over closely and lend us your ear, As children we speak softly, but this you must hear....
On this night before ..... before the rising of the sun,
Please give us back the game; Please give us back our FUN!,
Oh thank you for listening, there's a new beginning in sight Merry Soccer Season to all, and thanks for doing what's right!
Brett Davis __________________________________________
Koach Karl’s Notes: Thank you for reading and sharing this with your soccer community. Now, everyone grab your dictionary and look-up the words –‘Children’; ‘Play’ and ‘Game’ before attending another soccer match.
“The outcome of our children is infinitely more important than the outcome of any game they will ever play!” kd
Your FUNdamental, Koach Karl (Karl Dewazien)
- Emeritus Director of Coaching - California Youth Soccer Assoc. 1979-2012
- Author - Internationally Published FUNdamental SOCCER Books Series
- Producer - highly acclaimed ‘FUNdamental SOCCER -Practice’ DVD.
- Clinician at:
Executive Director: National Soccer Coaches Association of Canada (NSCAC)
6 年Way to go. It's very good! The biggest problem I see with some of the great things that we say, myself included, is that the people who should be reading it don't, and, even if they do, they assume it's not directed at them. I've seen this happen over and over. Quite often, parents realize things after it's too late and their kids have quit the game. Most Coaches will blame everything and everyone else and will continue to do what they have always done. Sorry for being pessimistic but as you always say, if we get through to even just one person, we have made progress so keep it up!