A Sensible Brexit with EFTA?
This video is the first thing I've seen that offers a path which might actually work. I'm no foaming Brexiter nor am I a rabid Remoaner but crashing out of Europe without a deal seems a bit...risky. And a second referendum asking in or out will probably offer a slight majority to remain which would leave us in limbo again.
EFTA works for Norway, Lichtenstein Switzerland and Iceland and I love some of the thinking from Carl Baudenbacher. Surely with the country divided in half, a halfway house is the solution? There would need to be some flexibility from the EU as free movement is still in there and I think Brexiters will balk over that however an English speaking non-politicised court (the EFTA Court) that is based on negotiation and not decree might suit us just fine. EFTA deals with the world are struck quicker than EU ones (although they are less robust and less used) and there is a ready made commercial framework.
I see Michael Gove is promoting it so I assume love him or loathe him, Boris the shrinking violet will be along in the autumn to overthrow Teresa May and he'll quite possible push this too. Anyway that's what I read on Quora.
Video Guidance - the first ten minutes Carl Baudenbacher (Swiss ex-EFTA Judge) explains EFTA and why it might work for the UK in his dry and articulate way. If you can, listen to the insurance story from 17 mins - the "devil's work" should make you chuckle.