As Emperor Leo I of Byzantium and his coalition of murderous abortionist dagger-wielding eunuchs seek another coronation on 7th February, Goebbels in the Premier’s department has briefed journalists in the abortionist Irish Times that some of Ireland’s most senior Judges, the luminaries credited with destroying the Constitution of Ireland, with ignoring the Eighth Amendment and with totally disregarding Irish Criminal Law and the Rule of Law will travel to Poland to teach the Judges of an independent sovereign State and a separate jurisdiction some manners, as well as to inculcate in their spirits EU judicial and human rights standards – whatever this might mean or whatever these might be! Goebbels intimated that this would be a complicated operation, drawing not only on standard Nuremberg rules but also on abortionist traitor Michael Martin’s much forged, falsified and over-voted Treaty of Lisbon, but in addition inspired by the full range on multilateral International Treaty Law, including in particular the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. Goebbels undertook to brief the abortionist journalists, many of whom were working or had family members working almost full time as executioners for the Health Service Executive, on the background to this complex European judicial initiative. Josef asked the Irish Times to cast their collective minds back to a sunny evening in Berlin when the European Council dropped back to Fraulein Angela’s state bunker to share a German sausage and a bag of chips, covered, Belgian style, in nineteen different kinds of calorific mayonnaise, pickles and dressing, to congratulate themselves on making life more miserable and more difficult for everyone living within the European Union and, if you took account of the Iran Nuclear Weapons deal, the rest of the world as well. It soon became apparent that Fraulein Angela, quite clearly and in reality Adolf Hitler’s daughter, was very fond of, and indeed casting sideways and dangerously amorous glances in Emperor Leo’s direction. As ever, Fraulein Angela had been very well briefed. “Leo, my darling, my crack SS and Gestapo men, tell me that in Mumbai, your one and only friend, when he is in town, affectionately calls you “Leo, my sweetheart, my little poisonous Tarantula!”. Would it be in order for your beloved, deeply enamoured and adoring German girlfriend to do the same? Come on, if you say “Yes” (just like those murderous abortionist swine in your totally fake and illegal abortion referendum), I promise that I will give you a fresh bag of chips, together with a bunch of fresh red, black and white swastikas, flown in directly by my own personal Luftwaffe direct from your native Mumbai, for your birthday. You would like that wouldn’t you? You wouldn’t say “No” to Angela would you? Germany doesn’t like Indian upstarts and impostors who say “No” to them! Anyway, if you would only take your nose out of everybody else’s backstop for even the briefest second, you would see and appreciate that there is a huge, sensitive, burning explosive difference between brown-nosing and arson! I must tell you that the boys who did the Reichstag have been quite upset by your unduly and very frequent references to “unfinished business!” Unfinished business is a strictly German concept, developed over more than a hundred years of wars of aggression, invasions, mas-scale atrocities and the most virulent and deadly anti-Semitism. The idea and concept of “unfinished business” should not be thrown about and casually bandied by an android unqualified medical abortionist, leading a very small, perverse and totally perverted Government, with the support of a bunch of unwashed terrorists and the services of veteran traitor, abortionist Michael Martin. This is a slightly round-about way of letting you know that Germany wants to know a number of things. My secret service and secret police insist that they must know “How you obtained forged birth certificates to the effect that you were born in the Rotunda, in Dublin and are therefore qualified to stand for election to the Irish Parliament and become Premier of Ireland?” Fraulein Angela, her lustful amorous looks, still beaming from her true blue national socialist eyes, then added most meaningfully. “And, my darling little Tarantula, or should that be, poisonous rat or snake, I also need to have this information. You see my late darling Papa, my darling daddy and beloved Fuhrer, was truly very committed to race and citizenship issues and he liked to call an Indian of the most doubtful sexual orientation as well as a murderous abortionist to boot just that “an Indian impostor of the most doubtful sexual orientation and a murderous abortionist, NOT Premier of Ireland and, most certainly NOT to invite him to sit or take a seat at the European Council! As she spoke these moving words and tearfully reminisced on the career of the Great Dictator, Fraulein Angela took on and assumed the appearance once more of what she was, a truly terrifying warrior Princess of the Valkyrie. Pausing briefly to let the full weight of her words sink in, Fraulein Angela clicked her heels with martial vigour and gave just a couple pf Hitler salutes for old time’s sake! Joseph Goebbels also paused for a second. “So, ye low-life journalists, Fraulein Angela clearly had Leo by his black-and-tan Tarantulas and was in a position to ask him for anything she wanted. To nobody’s surprise, Angela rapidly decided to forgo the pursuit of sexual pleasure with Leo. Instead, she asked Ireland’s impostor premier to send a crack team of very senior Irish Judges, like lackeys, to lecture the Polish Judiciary on human rights and EU standards in a preposterous pseudo-legal manoeuvre designed to and aimed at glorifying Germany and the Commission, not as vigorous as Molotov-Ribbentrop, but conceived in the same spirit and operating along the same lines. Fraulein Angela had talked to Vladimir in the Kremlin about this, but the great KGB man had replied that the Soviet Union and its successor State was a peace-loving Federation and no longer invaded or interfered in the affairs of any other State, unless they were Hungary, Cuba, Czechoslovakia (now the Czech and Slovak Republics), Afghanistan, Georgia, Ukraine, Crimea, Syria and, most pertinently, the Iran nuclear weapons deal. Small little adventures or forays into Libya did not count. The Turks did that all the time! However, Vladimir was not in truth unsympathetic. “Angela, as a token and a gesture of good will, and just to recall the good old days, Russia will host a drinks party, a Molotov Cocktail party in fact, provided Gerry of Saint Adams mixes the cocktails (I am told that he is still by far the best man at mixing Molotov Cocktails) and Mary Lou and Michelle agree to pass the drinks round!”. Angela thanked Vladimir for his offer, thinking that it was as kind as any offer made by Russia since Germany surrendered to them at the Battle of Stalingrad! But Vladimir’s few words to Angela succeeded in putting Leo firmly back in the hot seat. “But my beloved and adorable Miss Hitler, I can’t ask the Irish army to invade Poland. I have sent them all on an extremely dangerous mission to Mali under the command of Sergeant-Major Macron, the Usurper and Commander of the French, German, Irish, European Union expeditionary force, it’s something much more basic than that. It so happens that I am the impostor Irish Minister for Defence, as well as being the impostor Irish Premier, but I have failed to pay or feed my soldiers, their wives and their many very small children for a great many years now. If I ask the Irish army to invade Poland, I will have a mutiny on my hands which will make the Mutiny on the Bounty seem like a small cosy family affair. “Very well”, said Fraulein Angela. The last glimmer of love and affection had vanished from her eyes. She seized the very sturdy and flexible horse-whip conveniently lying beside her. “We’ll do what you have always done. We’ll send the Irish judiciary in instead. They have always done precisely what you have asked them to do, regardless of what morality, the Constitution or the Law require them to do. Your Judges may well even have tired by now of murdering and aborting unborn Irish children, they might like a change and they might feel that murdering and aborting unborn Polish children would fulfil the maxim “A change being as good as a rest”. At this precise moment, the doors of the Bunker swung open and Field Marshall Ursula of the Commission in very fetching European battle-fatigues strode in. The Field-Marshall Commander-in-Chief was escorted by a platoon of exceedingly virile muscular battle-hardened body-guards to whom Premier Leo instantly took a liking and a shine. Field-Marshall Ursula began “Actually, it was my idea that the Irish Judges should embark on this vital, if exceedingly dangerous mission. I knew, as indeed the whole world knows, that the Executive authority of the Irish State in external relations is assigned under the Constitution of Ireland to the Government of Ireland, and is exercised by the Government of Ireland and NOT by the Irish Judiciary. So senior Irish Judges have NO business, under the Constitution of Ireland or under the UN Charter or International Law to go to Poland in a pathetic effort at involving themselves in, or to be more accurate in a pathetic effort at interfering in the internal affairs of another State. The senior Judges are meant to stay at home and to satisfy their lust for foreign travel by eating lots of boiled cabbage and chewing meaningfully on either their Polish or German sausages (which can easily be purchased in the nearest allegedly cut-price German supermarket). But it is crystal clear that the Irish Judges have never read and certainly have never applied or implemented the Irish Constitution. Had they done so, the Judges concerned would have read in the very first line of the Constitution of Ireland or Ireland’s fundamental law that, as the Constitution is adopted by the People of Ireland in the Name of the Most Holy Trinity, human life is sacred and abortion, as well as murder and other forms of physical violence against the person, are prohibited, outlawed and forbidden for ever and ever; which is exactly the same position as is stated in the Charter of the United Nations, Customary Law, Public International Law, International humanitarian Law, International human rights law and under the provisions of the Statute of Rome, establishing the Court at The Hague, to which Ireland and indeed Germany are States party, which classify abortion as a constituent element in Genocide and punishes the crime very severely as a Crime against Humanity. You see, dear Leo, you can tell your Irish Judges that Field-Marshall Ursula may be a German Lutheran but that, at least, she reads and applies her Law books, something which Judges, of whatever nationality or origin are meant and expected to do. One of the reasons I flew down from Brussels at Fraulein Angela’s request was to confirm that the Commission’s key strategic reason for enlisting the assistance of the Irish Judges was a logistical one. This set of Irish Judges can travel very lightly indeed. As clearly none of them have any morals or religious beliefs, the commission will not have to arrange to transport copies of the Bible for them. As the Judges do not read or apply the Constitution of Ireland or indeed Ireland’s Criminal Laws, it will not be necessary to airlift law books or supporting documentation for them. The “Unanimity, I shall do exactly as I like and to Hell with the lot of ye principle, only gets you so far, especially when the most important legal decisions and judgements are argued and laid down in the back snug of a bar in Limerick!” As the new Head of the commission, I aim to be as efficient as possible, so Leo, I shall not detain you too much longer. But, in our typically ponderous German fashion, we wondered how Justice John was going to tell Polish Judges how to conduct Polish cases, especially when Chief Justice Frank’s instructions are to be written down on what can most kindly be described as “informal postcards, lacking all constitutional and legal authority”. This will become ever more difficult, impossible in fact, when the same senior Irish Judges, supported by myriads of unscrupulous colleagues, decided that they could determine the right to life and the survival of thousands of unborn children based on their unlawful, illegal and unconstitutional interpretation of a referendum which they knew, with absolute certainty, had not been lawfully, legally and constitutionally authorized, and indeed never even held, and which was, in any event in itself illegal, unlawful and unconstitutional. Field Marshall President Ursula concluded, with real bright anger flashing from her eyes “I may be a German European Union official, but I am first and foremost a mother!”
Maurice James, Barrister at Law, United Nations Counsel