With COVID-19 pushing business to work from home, staff and customers are faced with the challenges of data privacy and security risks. Many of the protection they enjoy while businesses are operating on-site may now be severely lacking. As such, incident response planning should be made a core part of each company’s cybersecurity plan - especially when their staff members are now not working from the office.
What could go wrong with remote working?
The problem with remote working would be lapses in network security and misuse of VPN that could increase the chances of companies getting hacked. Malware and cyberhackers are just waiting in the dank corners of the internet, hoping to find a backdoor into the company’s private data. IT managers, therefore, are the ones under pressure not only trying to keep the networks running and everyone’s information safe - they’re also facing the issue of potentially handling many IT complaints at the same time.
With a lack of delegation and allocation of roles to persons-in-charge, it would be almost impossible to keep up with everyone not in the same office space as before.
Why implement an incident response infrastructure?
Given the manner in which current employees are dispersed across the country, it becomes more important to ensure that your IT infrastructure is kept tightly monitored in the event of potential downtimes on their working stations. A system must therefore be in place that could preempt management oversight and maintain communication with key persons in charge.
A robust incident response processes and procedures help connect the remote workforce seamlessly with the IT personnel. It is crucial to ensure that the IT team is able to continue having access to their data and are able to communicate remotely despite being unable to physically cater to the IT needs of the staff in your company.
How can sendQuick help your business?
sendQuick onCloud is a systems availability monitoring and notification management platform for the cloud. It works with public cloud services to monitor systems, applications, services, and networks and flags up issues to your staff on duty.
This essentially means a significant reduction in operational risks and costs associated with systems and resources monitoring. IT managers are always able to gain visibility across all connected data centres, security operations centers, and network operations centers. In the event of a potential crisis, your IT staff will be the first to know should there be any tech-related issues that need to be addressed - before it becomes a business issue and results in loss of sales.
In summary, sendQuick will be able to help you:
1. Send Immediate Notifications on critical issues, giving an overview of your entire IT infrastructure.
2. Obtain a robust Roster Management so only relevant staff gets notified, preventing Alert Fatigue from a massive influx of notifications.
3. Provide seamless pre-built Integration to public cloud services. Configuration is simple with straightforward configuration steps to activate the checks.
4. Soon, sendQuick will be integrated with the everyday voice calls, collaboration tools, and social media messaging platforms such as Whatsapp and LINE. No-fuss, no additional apps required.
sendQuick provides you with the basic yet essential network monitoring checks such as Ping, Port, Url as well as email filter checking that are critical to every business’ IT health.
For more information on how you can get started, send me a message.