Sending Text Messages with Python Using the Vonage API
Chandan Kumar Singh
System Engineer [Prime] @TCS | Ex-President & Founder @ZERO ONE Coding Club | Ex-Intern @DRDO
???? Leveraging Python & Vonage API for SMS Communication! ????
Hey there, fellow tech enthusiasts! Today, I'm thrilled to share a step-by-step guide on sending text messages using Python and the powerful Vonage API (formerly Nexmo). If you've ever wanted to add SMS communication to your Python projects or explore API-driven messaging, this post is perfect for you! ?????
?? Step 1: Sign Up for a Vonage API Account:
?? Step 2: Install Required Packages:
pip install vonage
?? Step 3: Import Required Libraries:
import vonage
from vonage.sms import SendSms
?? Step 4: Set Up Vonage API Credentials:
api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY
api_secret = 'YOUR_API_SECRET''
?? Step 5: Send a Text Message - Version 1:
def send_text_message(sender, recipient, message)
client = vonage.Client(key=api_key, secret=api_secret)
sms = SendSms(client)
response = sms.send_message({
'from': sender,
'to': recipient,
'text': message,
if response['messages'][0]['status'] == '0':
print('Message sent successfully.')
print(f"Message failed with error: {response['messages'][0]['error-text']}")
sender = 'SENDER_NUMBER'
recipient = 'RECIPIENT_NUMBER'
message = 'Hello from Vonage API using Python!'
send_text_message(sender, recipient, message):
?? Step 6: Send a Text Message - Version 2:
import vonage
number = input("Enter the number you want to send the message to (along with country code): ")
message = input("Enter the message:\n")
client = vonage.Client(key="YOUR_API_KEY", secret="YOUR_API_SECRET")
sms = vonage.Sms(client)
responseData = sms.send_message({
"from": "Vonage API",
"to": number,
"text": message,
if responseData["messages"][0]["status"] == "0":
print("Message sent successfully.")
print(f"Message failed with error: {responseData['messages'][0]['error-text']}")
?? Tips and Considerations:
Congratulations on learning how to send text messages using Python and the Vonage API! I hope this guide sparks your creativity and opens up new possibilities for your projects. Feel free to customize your SMS solutions further and explore advanced features offered by the Vonage API.
Happy coding and may your Python-powered SMS adventures be fruitful! If you have any questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out. Stay curious and keep building amazing things! ??????
I hope this article will be useful for you and that you learned something new Please, feel free to drop any questions in the comments below. I would be happy to answer them.
Thanks for reading???