Sending HTTP Requests and Connecting to the Database
In this Project, we will understand how to send HTTP requests and connect to the Database.
Connect React Application to Backend & Database .
How to (Not) connect to Database directly
In General React Apps, browser side codes or JS Codes running in a browser should never talk to Database directly. We should never establish a connection directly from Database to the React Application / BrowserSide Codes / JS Codes.
If we directly try to connect to the database directly from inside your client-side , your browser side Javascript code, you would expose your database credentials at that code because all the javascript code can be accessed and read not just by the browser but also by the users of the websites.(Exposure of credentials related to the Database). This could bring some performance issues but security problems is the biggest problem of all .
We have a backend application running in server. Now this backend application can be written with any server side language of choice - NodeJS , PHP ,?ASP.NET
Backend code cannot be visible to the users and they can never see the code as it is written in another server .
Using Star Wars API
RestAPIs .
1. Sending a Get Request
We will be using fetch which is built into the browser to send HTTP request to fetch and send data . By default in fetch the method is GET.The data is sent in a JSON format in which the keys are wrapped into double quotes.There are no methods and only data. It needs to be transformed into a javascript object.
function fetchMoviesHandler(){
fetch('').then(response=> {
return response.json();
After transforming the json data to javascript object we return it and then we receive the data in another then block. As of now in the initial phase of the project we access the data of movies in a function in App.js file when we click on the Fetch Movies button.
function fetchMoviesHandler(){
fetch('').then(response=> {
return response.json();
const transformedMovies = data?.results?.map(moviesData=>{
return {
releaseDate : moviesData?.release_date,
We used episode_id , title , opening_crawl and release date from the response data object we received from the API.
Using Async and Await
folder - 02-async-await
Run npm i inside 02-async-await folder . You can find the code which uses async and await to handle promises.A promise is a placeholder object for the eventual result (or error) of an asynchronous operation.
async function fetchMoviesHandler() {
const response = await fetch("");
const data = await response.json();
const transformedMovies = data?.results?.map((moviesData) => {
return {
id: moviesData?.episode_id,
title: moviesData?.title,
openingText: moviesData?.opening_crawl,
releaseDate: moviesData?.release_date,
Handling Loading and Data States
folder - 02-async-await
Dummy way to show different states based on the data we get . Replace the below code with a spinner or different loading Messages based on the Project requirements .
async function fetchMoviesHandler() {
{isLoading && <p>Loading....</p>}
{!isLoading && movies?.length > 0 && <MoviesList movies={movies} />}
{!isLoading && movies?.length === 0 && <p>Found no movies </p>}
Handling HTTPS Errors
List of Errors which we may encounter with the HTTP status codes?
const [error,setError] = useState(null);
async function fetchMoviesHandler() {
const response = await fetch(""); //url mistaken
// Manually throwing errors using response.ok
throw new Error("Something went wrong!");
const data = await response.json();
const transformedMovies = data?.results?.map((moviesData) => {
return {
id: moviesData?.episode_id,
title: moviesData?.title,
openingText: moviesData?.opening_crawl,
releaseDate: moviesData?.release_date,
setError(error.message); // we catch the error here and set the error as error.message we received
setIsLodaing(false); //no matter success or failure we stop loading
{!isLoading && movies?.length === 0 && !error&& <p>Found no movies </p>}
{!isLoading && error && <p>{error}</p>}
Displaying all the conditions elegantly.
let content = <p>Found no movies.</p>;
if (movies.length > 0) {
content = <MoviesList movies={movies} />;
if (error) {
content = <p>{error}</p>;
if (isLoading) {
content = <p>Loading...</p>;
Using useEffect for Requests
At this point we are only fetching the data when the button is clicked.Now a lot of applications want to fetch the data when the component loads.We can use the useEffect hook because sending this https request is a side effect which ultimately changes our component state.And side effect should always go into the useEFfect. Having them inside a function is fine as long as we don't call this function as a part of our main component function because then we could create an infinite loop where we call the function,it updates the state, the component function re-renders or re-evaluated and the function is called again and again.
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
Now we dont want to call it whenever to component is re-evaluated because that would be an infinite task.The best practice is to list all the dependencies. Now fetchMoviesHandler which is dependency to this effect.because if the fetchMoviesHandler function changes then this effect should be re-executed and this function could change if we would be using some external state here. The problem with that the functions are objects and therefore these function will technically change whenever the component re-renders. So, this will create an infinite loop. One solution is to omit it but it could result to subtle bugs if our function would be using some external state.
So, better solution would be to use the useCallback hook . We should add dependencies to the useCallback hook also but in this example but this function has no external dependencies.Now we ensure that the fetch movie handler is not created unnecessarily.
const fetchMoviesHandler = useCallback(async () => {
try {
const response = await fetch("");
// <-- correct
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error("Something went wrong!");
const data = await response.json();
const transformedMovies = data?.results?.map((moviesData) => {
return {
id: moviesData?.episode_id,
title: moviesData?.title,
openingText: moviesData?.opening_crawl,
releaseDate: moviesData?.release_date,
} catch (error) {
setIsLodaing(false); //no matter success or failure we stop loading
Preparing Project for Next Step (Sending data)
folder- 05-preparing-the-project-for-the-next-steps
In reality we want to send data to the server.In the star wars api we cant send the data as they dont want us to change the data.So we will be using another dummy api and service - firebase.It is a backend which comes togther with a database.Service offered by Google.No code need backend.
This has a dummy fields that we will be using to send the data . Checkout the next folder to actually connect to firebase and send a POST request to the database
Sending POST Request
folder - 06-sending-post-request
We will be sending a POST Request . So the target of this section is to send data to the backend and then again fetch the same data of the movies and display it in the UI.
We will be using firebase to implement it. In the App.js we have the addMovieHandler() .
async function addMovieHandler(movie) {
const response = await fetch("", {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify(movie),
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
const data = await response.json();
header describe the content which we send. And add try catch block to handle the errors. We get the data which is in the format of object. We convert and add the object to an array and integrate with the movies list .
const fetchMoviesHandler = useCallback(async () => {
try {
const response = await fetch(
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error("Something went wrong!");
const data = await response.json();
const loadedMovies = [];
for(const key in data)
openingText: data[key].openingText,
releaseDate: data[key].releaseDate,
} catch (error) {
}, []);
AI Engineer @ LSBG ???? ? Ex SWE Intern @ Digital Product School by UnternehmerTUM ? Mentor at AI Makerspace ? Web 3.0?? ? 6??Hackerrank
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