Senator McSally Response Letter
September 10, 2020
Dear Cynthia,
Thank you for contacting me regarding voting during the COVID-19 pandemic. I appreciate your thoughts on this important issue.
Social distancing affects so many aspects of our lives – including elections. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, a number of primaries across the country have been postponed, and other elections have proceeded but with extremely strict distancing measures.
Thankfully, social distancing is working. Thanks to social distancing and the hard work of frontline healthcare workers, public health experts, government officials, and the private sector, we are slowing the spread of COVID-19. If these trends continue, along with progress towards antibody tests and improved treatment options, the country will be much better positioned to hold 2020 elections than we are currently.
Even with this progress, safely administering the 2020 elections presents unique challenges. Congress anticipated these challenges in H.R. 748, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, which was signed into law on March 27 after a 96-0 bipartisan vote in the Senate. The CARES Act contained $400 million in Help America Vote Act funds to help states prepare for holding elections in the 2020 cycle. This funding will help state and local jurisdictions across the country implement measures to ensure that the 2020 elections are safe and secure. Crucially, these grants provide flexibility to states in how to spend the funds. Retaining state and local control over elections and avoiding heavy handed federal mandates will ensure that elections run as smoothly as possible. The integrity of our elections, especially during times of quarantine, are paramount to the health of our Democracy. As Congress considers further options to preserve the safety and security of 2020 elections, I will keep your thoughts in mind.
As the 116th Congress addresses the many challenges facing our nation, I hope you will continue to share your thoughts and concerns. To keep up with my work in Congress, you can follow me on Twitter and Facebook, or visit my website at where you can sign up to receive my e-newsletter. Again, thank you for sharing your concerns. Please continue contacting my office regarding issues that you feel are important to you and Arizona.
Martha McSally
U.S. Senator