"The Senator" Cypress Tree
One of the most recognizable features of the swamp are the Bald Cypress trees (Taxodium distichum). Related to the California Redwood tree. These trees are deciduous conifers. Deciduous meaning the shed their needle-like foliage and conifers meaning the produce cones. Bald Cypress are large trees and can grow upwards of 130 feet tall and have a width of up to 10 feet in diameter or more at breast height. Younger trees are pyramid shaped, however with age the top will flatten and can spread as much as 60 feet or greater. The lower or base of the tree is significantly larger than the rest of the truck. The bark of the tree tends to have long fibrous ridges that can be stripped off and are reddish-gray or brown in color. Needles are feather like and green in color during spring and summer and produce a golf ball size green cone. During fall the foliage will turn a russet-gold color prior to dropping from the tree along with the ripened tan colored cones. The tree will remain bare until spring. Located normally in swamps, flooded plains, along edges of lakes and rivers in Florida as well as much of the south. Another distinguishable trait of the Bald Cypress are the “knees”. Which are actually a very important root. The technical term is “pneumalophore” literally meaning “air breathing”. These pneumatophore grow from horizontal roots slightly below the surface of the water and protrude upward. Since these trees are often found growing in swampy surroundings it’s thought that the pneumalophores function is to move air to and from the drenched roots underground. They also serve to stabilize and anchor the trees in place. When lightning strikes a Bald Cypress it often times explodes sending giant splinters up to a hundred yards away in all directions. However the tree doesn’t die, instead will sprout back from the damaged trunk.
Bald Cypress are also referred to as “eternal wood” due to the resilience to decay. Other facts are the hardiness of the ability to survive long periods of flooding, the only tree able to do that. They also will thrive in normal even dry soil. Prefer acidic soil and can grow up to 500 years. (Centennial tree)
Conifers are tress that produce cones. Cones of the Bald Cypress are small and contain seeds that are a popular food source for squirrels and birds.