Senate Judiciary Committee’s New Bill

To Pare Back the Big Tech Industry’s Liability Protections

Is Quickly Gaining Steam
The time has come to shake your soul awake!

Senate Judiciary Committee’s New Bill To Pare Back the Big Tech Industry’s Liability Protections Is Quickly Gaining Steam


October 16, 2020

2 minute quick-read article


At last!

Yesterday’s long awaited announcement from the Trump administration that it is now convening a much needed Senate Judiciary Committee hearing to consider paring back Section 230—the 1996 law that shields online businesses from lawsuits for hosting and taking down user content, in an attempt to address allegations of political bias on social media platforms—was welcomed news by lovers of liberty and free speech around the world.

Many of us knew that this day was coming.

After giving these massive social media monopolies plenty of rope—especially in recent months as they have behaved completely beyond the pale—to hang themselves ten thousand times over for their seditious, blatant anti-freedom of speech censorship policies, it now appears their time has come to pay the piper.

Let’s hope that the Trump administration pulls no punches and levies the Big Tech industries with huge fines, painful penalties and much more for their brazenly bald-faced, anti-democratic violations of Section 230.

It is absolutely essential that the Trump administration and Congress initiate this legal action to restore America’s freedom of speech—including fair and free elections—especially during this highly consequential presidential election.

Our democratic republic depends on fair and free elections taking place. This requires that people have the freedom to read factual news, debate ideas and share ideas without politically motivated interference and censorship from these self-appointed “arbitrators of truth” techno-tyrants—aka “speech monopolists”—who decide what you are and what you are not allowed to say.

This biased power of undue influence must not be allowed to continue running amok upon our Constitutional rights!

For far too long, the American public has been unconstitutionally prevented from sharing information with friends and others on social media—information that the Fascist Big Tech Giants want silenced and covered up—by actively blocking and censoring anything these corrupt corporations don’t want you to see. The draft of this proposed bill would make Big Tech liable when they inconsistently apply moderation guidelines that are motivated by partisan interests, a frequent complaint of non-Democrat “conservatives.”

This just announced and long overdue Senate action is vital to restoring our Constitutionally guaranteed freedom of speech rights, towards ensuring the integrity and long continuation of our great Republic. Mass censorship by a multitude of massive social media monopolies, especially in recent months as we enter the home stretch to the 2020 presidential election, serve to reflect the Big Tech Giants increasingly desperate last ditch attempts to prevent a second Trump administration at ANY cost.

The flagrant violation and transparent hijacking of our rights by Big Tech's censoring, blocking and removing of posts from their platforms that they don’t approve of must be stopped! They think they rule the world but are badly mistaken. These actions spotlight the dangerous level of unbridled power on the part of these controlling tech industries that must be terminated, rectified, and henceforth prevented by laws from ever again unlawfully undermining the constitutional rights of We the People.

Suffice it to say, these are “interesting times.”

As a young boy growing up, I was always puzzled by the purportedly ancient Chinese curse, “May you live in interesting times.” Flash forward fifty years to the crazy inside-out, upside-down, all mixed-up and unquestionably “interesting” present—and the meaning behind this curse is finally starting to dawn on me!

To learn more about what is really going on, please click on the link below for my most recent—and “shadow banned” by Linked In immediately upon posting—5 minute quick-read article, appropriately enough entitled, “Red Pill: The Epic Final Battle Between the Light Side and Dark Side is Now Underway!

Thank you very much for your time and consideration,

Dr. Michael

Click the link below now to read the article:


It will come as no surprise to me if this newest posting in my Red Pill” series is soon “shadow banned” or banned and removed by Linked In as they have now done to me twice previously. (Oct 18th Update: After receiving over 150 hits on its first day posted, this article has since been algorithm “shadow banned” banished into obscurity by the enemies of free speech here at Linked In.) In response to this blatant suppression on the part of this Linked In platform, I have included a second link—below—where you will also find my newly reposted article, “Red Pill: The Epic Final Battle Between the Light Side and Dark Side is Now Underway! Thus, should you be unable to access it here via the above link on this "No Free Speech Zone" platform, you will find it on the below webpage, along with other articles—including my unexpurgated long-read (60 minute) expose entitled, “Red Pill”:?Critical Thinking Tips for Staying Grounded in a Crazy Inside-Out, Upside-Down, All Mixed-Up World”—posted on my counseling practice website:

#falseflag #redpill #criticalthinking #disclosure #acceptance #courage #coronavirus #covid19 #anxiety #depression #emotionalhealth #selfhelp #mentalhealth #selfawareness #michaelrabouchard

Copyright ? 2020 by Michael Ra Bouchard, Ph.D. & Aloha Sexual Health & Happiness, LLC.?< > All Rights Reserved.



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