Semi-Automatic Parking System

Have you ever had difficulty for parking your vehicle in a spot found on the street?

Well, many drivers have been through this, especially the beginners and inexperienced ones or even who do not have so much confidence, for sure have already gone through this.

For that, Bosch has a parking assistance solution that can help the driver. In its most basic version, the system is able to identify the spot availability, calculate the number of maneuvers needed, determine the optimum path and reach a precise angle of the steering wheel. With this, the driver only has to worry about vehicle acceleration and braking, since the system defines the stopping points for each movement.

This type of system is mandatorily composed of ultrasonic sensors arranged in the car, which are capable of monitoring all the space around the vehicle, thus avoiding unwanted collisions. As an additional feature, the system also removes the vehicle from the spot parked.

So, would you want to try it?

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