Semantic Segmentation with Keras

Semantic Segmentation with Keras

Semantic segmentation is a computer vision task that aims to classify each pixel in an image into a specific category. Unlike object detection, which focuses on identifying and bounding objects, semantic segmentation provides a more detailed understanding of the scene by assigning labels to individual pixels.

Keras, a popular deep learning library for Python, offers powerful tools for building and training semantic segmentation models. Here's a breakdown of the concept:

Model Architectures:

Several popular architectures excel at semantic segmentation tasks in Keras. Here are two notable examples:

  • DeepLabV3+: This fully-convolutional model, developed by Google, is known for its accuracy and efficiency. It utilizes atrous convolutions, which capture long-range dependencies in the image without losing resolution. You can find an implementation example on Keras' website [1].
  • U-Net: This U-shaped architecture, originally designed for medical image segmentation, is another strong choice. It combines contracting and expanding paths to capture contextual information at different scales, leading to precise segmentation results. You can find a U-Net implementation for image segmentation on PyImageSearch [2].
  • SegFormer: This recent model leverages a hierarchical transformer architecture for encoding image features and achieves state-of-the-art performance, particularly for tasks requiring high accuracy.

Implementation Steps:

Data Preparation:

  • Dataset: You'll need a dataset containing images and corresponding segmentation masks. Each pixel in the mask is labeled with a specific class (e.g., person, car, background).
  • Preprocessing: Images might require resizing, normalization, or data augmentation techniques to improve model generalization.

Model Building:

  • Choice of Architecture: Select a suitable architecture like DeepLabV3+ or U-Net from Keras or implement your own.
  • Customization: You can fine-tune pre-trained models by adjusting hyperparameters or adding/removing layers to fit your specific task.


  • Loss Function: Categorical cross-entropy is a common choice for multi-class segmentation tasks.
  • Optimizer: Select an optimizer like Adam or SGD to minimize the loss function and update model weights during training.
  • Metrics: Track metrics like mean Intersection over Union (mIoU) to evaluate the model's performance in capturing object boundaries accurately.


  • Validation Set: Use a dedicated validation set to monitor model performance during training and prevent overfitting.
  • Test Set: Once training is complete, assess the model's generalizability on unseen data from the test set.

Python Code Example (U-Net Architecture)

Here's a basic example using the commonly used U-Net architecture in Keras:

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow import keras

def conv_block(filters, kernel_size=(3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same'):
  Defines a convolutional block with batch normalization and activation.
  return tf.keras.Sequential([
      keras.layers.Conv2D(filters, kernel_size, padding=padding),

def encoder_block(inputs, filters, kernel_size=(3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same'):
  Defines an encoder block with two convolutional layers and max pooling.
  x = conv_block(filters, kernel_size, activation, padding)(inputs)
  x = conv_block(filters, kernel_size, activation, padding)(x)
  out = keras.layers.MaxPooling2D((2, 2), strides=(2, 2))(x)
  return x, out

def decoder_block(inputs, skip_features, filters, kernel_size=(3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same'):
  Defines a decoder block with upsampling, concatenation, and two convolutional layers.
  x = keras.layers.Conv2DTranspose(filters, (2, 2), strides=(2, 2), padding=padding)(inputs)
  x = tf.concat([x, skip_features], axis=-1)
  x = conv_block(filters, kernel_size, activation, padding)(x)
  x = conv_block(filters, kernel_size, activation, padding)(x)
  return x

def build_unet(input_shape, num_classes):
  Builds a U-Net model for semantic segmentation.
  inputs = keras.layers.Input(shape=input_shape)

  # Encoder
  e1, out1 = encoder_block(inputs, 32)
  e2, out2 = encoder_block(out1, 64)
  e3, out3 = encoder_block(out2, 128)
  e4, out4 = encoder_block(out3, 256)

  # Bridge
  bridge = conv_block(512, kernel_size=(3, 3), activation='relu')(out4)

  # Decoder
  d1 = decoder_block(bridge, e4, 256)
  d2 = decoder_block(d1, e3, 128)
  d3 = decoder_block(d2, e2, 64)
  d4 = decoder_block(d3, e1, 32)

  outputs = keras.layers.Conv2D(num_classes, (1, 1), activation='softmax')(d4)

  model = keras.Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs)
  return model

# Define model parameters
input_shape = (256, 256, 3)  # Assuming your images are 256x256 with 3 channels (RGB)
num_classes = 10  # Number of classes (e.g., background, person, car, etc.)

# Build the U-Net model
model = build_unet(input_shape, num_classes)

# Compile the model (customize optimizer, loss, metrics as needed)
model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy'])

# Prepare your training and validation data (images and corresponding segmentation masks)

# Train the model, train_masks, epochs=10, validation_data=(val_data, val_masks))        

Benefits of using Keras:

  • Ease of Use: Keras provides a user-friendly interface for building deep learning models.
  • Flexibility: You can customize model architectures and experiment with different layers and hyperparameters.
  • Community Support: Keras has a vast community offering tutorials, examples, and troubleshooting resources.

Additional Considerations:

  • Deep Learning Expertise: Building and training complex models requires a solid understanding of deep learning concepts.
  • Computational Resources: Training segmentation models can be computationally expensive, requiring powerful GPUs or cloud platforms.

By leveraging Keras' capabilities, you can build robust semantic segmentation models for various applications, including self-driving cars, medical image analysis, and autonomous robots.


