SEM Pin Stub Specimen Mounts
Infinitylabs Technology
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Do we know that there are many companies who manufacture scanning electron microscopies (SEMs) and some of them are FEI, Tescan, ZEISS, Philips, Aspex, LEO, Cambridge, AMRAY, Leica, CamScan, ETEC. We must be familiar with SEM pin stub for sample imaging where we mount the sample for analysis. We should always choose pin stabs in such a way that it can be used any any of the SEM make. Let us understand how to select the right one according to our application:
1.??????They are made out of high quality aluminum grade (Grade confidential), having grooved edge.
2.??????They come with specific diameter: (could be 12.7 mm and even goes up to 100 mm)
3.??????Now look for the length of the pin so that it can be nicely fitted inside the sample holding platform.
4.??????Some of the OEMS come with two grades: 1. Standard Finish (Economy) 2. Polished Finish
5.??????General comes in a pack of 10, 50, 100 and so on.
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