ERP - Selling vs Implementation
Avadhesh Tyagi
Helping Manufacturers in Digital Transformation to Organize their Business and Reduce Wastage of Material & Time resulting in Increase in Profit.
Uditya Tech Private limited has been catering to the needs of Apparel & Allied industries and from the experience that we have gained while working with various hubs of industry namely - Manufacturers , Exporters , Buyers , Buying Houses & Agents , all over the world , we have realized that mere software selling does not actually work. It takes a lot more effort to get the things going at the clients' site. We have done in depth study on how our clients could benefit from our expertise and have also worked in the direction of providing efficient service at acceptable prices.
Software Selling Vs. Concept Implementation :
We do not merely wish to sell software but want to implement concepts that we have learnt till date. Of course , this would not have been possible without the valuable inputs that we have had while working with the industry and we offer our sincere thanks to all our respected clients, Institutions & Students.
1) Who can be the best implementor ?
Generally software is mis-conceived as a set of instructions to the computer for pulling out a handful of reports. Where as , it is setting up of "Directional Goals" for the organization - i.e. direction to all the people working in the organization which says "How my company should work ?" and "What precedures shall be there to handle diverse business situations ?".
No matter how big a consultant a company may hire , the best manager and organizer of the business could be no other than the owner himself - who has no replacement, and who can weigh all business concepts in their practical form for his organisation. This decides who should prepare the "Directional Goals" (or software specifications , shall we say) for the organization - obviously , the owner - then why should the owner not understand the software (or better said "Directional Goals") himself before puting it in on his organization. We , therefore, strongly suggest participation of the owner in understanding the specifications of the software. The owner may ask his staff members to churn out certain reports for him - but he shall surely have to understand first as to whether the data required to be input is available to the staff and what steps it involves to feed it before expecting the final output.
2) Stages in concept implementation :
Concept implementation involves following three stages :
Stage 1 :
Building Computerization Culture in the organization i.e. routing every source document through the computer eg. Each challan whether inward or outward should be routed through the computer entry process .
Stage 2:
Developing and implementing sufficient internal control and internal checking procedures to ensure that -
a) the data entry is done in entirety i.e. completeness
b) the data entered is checked to be accurate i.e. correctness
Stages 1 and 2 ensure that reports churned out by the system are reliable
Stage 3:
Enhancing speed and futurability using latest technology.
Technology being the fastest moving field ,advancements are very fast. To keep pace with the world , one has to continually upgrade oneself.
We are committed to work in the direction of utmost quality standards. We have tried to generalize this product and it's versions as per client requirements and sizes , and are thankful to all our respected clients who have spent their precious time discussing information needs of their organizations with us.