Selling on LinkedIn? The Trophy Never Chases.
Andrew Lawless
Investor | AI Consulting Innovator | Founder, High Performance Consultant Academy? | Scale Your Consulting Firm with AI Automation, Predictive Analytics & NLP | Dominate Client Acquisition & Optimize Service Delivery
No stranger to controversy, I did it again. Highly alert reader Charles wanted me to ‘stick it’ somewhere:
‘You say that the trophy never chases. Why then are you still sending emails and posting on social media every day?’
Good questing, Charles.
If you have ever wanted to buy a complex piece of technology, such as an espresso machine, you know the value of a good salesperson when you realize their absence at Bed, Bath & Beyond.
Selling is not chasing.
Selling is genuinely wanting to help and openly offering it.
Like, when I went into that specialty espresso coffee store in Austin and left paying $1,000 more than I had planned.
Not only did I buy a more expensive coffee maker, I also went home with a frothing pitcher, push tamper, knock box, espresso funnel, air-tight coffee container, and temperature control smart mug.
I am glad I found a salesperson who knew her stuff and challenged me to push my coffee game to the next level. With. Every. Sip.
That’s the difference between selling and chasing.
Selling means challenging your audience to think differently, set new standards, reach the next level, simplify, or do better.
So, the next time you sell your services, stop pitching.
Challenge your audience instead.
Be the trophy.
The trophy wants to be won. It shines right in your face.
But does not make it easier for you to win it.
Stop sending cold messages on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, or where ever else you hang out.
Never, ever give a discount.
Select don't sell.
The easiest way of selling without chasing is by organizing a LinkedIn Event that provides real value to participants.
Not a disguised sales event - just value that makes your audience want to learn more.
But with all events, most people won't show.
They are busy. They are hustling, selling, delivering, networking, and presenting somewhere. In other words, these are your best prospects.
So, instead of having them come to the workshop, challenge them to get results faster before the workshop actually starts.
If you’d like the whole system, I will be giving a free workshop tomorrow on how to Grow your consulting business without burnout.
We are going to cover three things:
1. Attract leads with the Authority Builder so that we speak to people we want and keep away those that we don't.
2. Engage potential clients with the event appointment funnel so that we can start conversations naturally and select - not sell - the people we want to work with.
3. Scale your practice with the Delivery Power Matrix so that you can serve more clients without working more hours.
Always in your corner,
PS. For the last three years, I?have shot short videos on high?performance habits.
There are so many good?episodes, but here are a few of?my favorites:
And whenever you are ready,?every month I teach a free class on?High Performance habits for entrepreneurs.?You?can join us here.
And if you ever feel stuck,?we can jump on a Zoom?call and brainstorm how we can move you forward.?Get on my calendar here.
About the Author
Andrew teaches consultants and business coaches the growth strategies he developed at the FBI [insider info from a German spy -- the good kind].
He is a High Performance Coach, bestselling author, and one of the world's leading experts in human instincts coaching.
Andrew discussed his work with the White House and testified before the US Senate on the importance of professional development to the US Economic Security. He is a former adjunct professor at the University of Maryland.