Selling is like Planting
Project Ahente
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A Simple Sales Method to Help You Identify More Sales Opportunities
Quick question: how does a sale happen? What makes a sale happen? We’ve discussed this topic in some other contents but we are expanding it. So back to the question: what makes a sale happen?
Simple. A sale happens if a prospect or a client buys. But how do we make the prospect or client buy though? And this is what we will be talking about this week: how to make a prospect buy.
To answer that question, we will be looking at some analogies. Agriculture in particular.
It does not take a degree in agriculture or science to know how to make a plant grow. There are just four to five components into it: soil, seed, water, sun light, and nutrients (for some plants).
Basically, to grow a plant, all we need is to put the seed unto the soil, water it, let it absorb sun light, and if necessary, put nutrients into it.
Of course, it’s much more complicated than that but this is the basics of it. And if we do it right, it grows and produces fruits.
But here is the thing with planting and agriculture. If we put seeds on a wrong soil, no matter how much we put water into it or let it absorb sun light or even put nutrients, it won’t grow and produce fruit. Basically, nakatambak lang ang buto.
This is true in sands. Plants rarely grow in sands. If you put apple seeds on a sand, it won’t grow. It won’t grow into an apple true and produce apple. If you pour water into it regularly, it still won’t do anything. Put nutrients, nothing happens.
The same is also true for climates. We cannot plant coffee beans on warm climates. It won’t grow. Even if we do everything else right but the plant is in the wrong climate, it will eventually die or the growth will stagnate.
Another thing is that we might plant the seed in the right soil and the right climate but if we do not water them regularly or we water them more than the usual and over expose or even under expose it to the sun, it will die. It won’t grow and produce fruit.
Moreover, if we plant seeds in the right climate and right soil and water it regularly but we don’t put any nutrients or that the soils is not nutrient, the growth will stagnate and it will not produce as we want it to be.
Okay, so wait, what does all these plant thingy have to do with selling? Simple. It represents our sales career!
The seeds represent our investment.
It is our time, effort, intelligence, and everything else we give to the prospect. It represents everything we do: from sales presentation to even giving gifts. The seed is important in selling. If our seed is not right or defective, it will not grow and produce anything.
Just think of it this way. If we don’t make any effort in a prospect, that prospect will most probably not buy. Its like having a defective seed. It won’t grow.
Or we might have the time and effort but it is as if we do not know what we are doing or that we seem untrustworthy, the prospect will most likely not trust us.
Again that is similar with a defective seed. No matter how much you water it or how good the soil is, it won’t produce. The seed must be good and it must be the right seed.
An apple seed will not grow coffee beans and so does a coffee bean not grow an apple tree. If we put in the wrong investment in a prospect or a client, it will not produce the product we want.
Just think of it this way. The prospect has different needs yet we do not know what those needs are and we offer a different product, chances are we won’t make the sale or convert them into a client. This is where empathy and understanding the other person comes in. They are crucial. An apple seed will not grow coffee nor does a coffee bean grow apples.
This also means that the better the quality of the seeds, the better the plant will be. The better the quality of our service in our profession, the better our results will be. The more trustworthy we are, the more knowledgeable we are, the more professional we are; the better our sales result will be.
That bring us to the soil.
The soil represents our prospects and clients. We can have the best of seeds but if the soil we plant the seeds are the wrong soil, no plant will grow. That means we may investment all our time and effort in a prospect but that prospect is not the right fit, no fruit will be produced.
Just think of planting in the sands. No matter what seeds you put in a sand, it will not grow anything. The same is true in prospects who are not the right fit.
No matter how much we persuade them or how good we are, if they are not our market, they won’t buy. Spending too much time and effort on them will just be in vain.
Just think of it this way. No matter how much you try to push a prospect who has decided they are not buying, they will not buy and the time and effort and energy we spent are all in vain.
This is why prospecting for the right leads is important. We only have limited seeds meaning we have limited time, effort, energy, etc. If we plant in a bad soil or in a sand, all these efforts will be lost. If nagmahal ka ng maling tao, kahit anong kagandahang ginawa mo, walang mapupuntahan iyon.
Of course, you can have the seed and the soil but without water, climate, sunlight, nutrients; the plant will not grow. There are still other elements in this and we will be discussing them by next week.
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