Sellers - Choosing a motivated Estate Agent

Sellers - Choosing a motivated Estate Agent

You and Your home, deserves the greatest attention and best service when you are selling. So you need to find a highly motivated agent to sell your home.

But what motivates an agent?

Generally speaking, for an Employed agent they are motivated by hitting their monthly targets, the awards and recognition that come with personal and branch success and by doing a high number of transactions. Of course money also comes into the equation - this is both a good and a bad thing!

Why? Because the typical high Street employed agents work on a large number of transactions. A branch may have 30+ properties.

Did you know that the typical high street "employed" agent gets just 5-10% of the commission you pay?

If your property sells at 500K and your Estate Agent is taking 1.5%, your bill is likely to be £7,500 plus VAT - but did you know for all the work your agent does, they may be on only 5% commission earning just £375 for selling your home. An agent has to sell a number of homes to hit their target, so naturally they will cherry pick what they sell - and that will be the higher end properties where the best fee has been agreed or the easiest to transact on quickly.

How does that work in your favour as a seller?

It doesn't. End of. Period.

Choose a business owning Estate Agent who gets a fairer share of the commission from the sale of your house and has a different set of motivators.

A RE/MAX England & Wales associate who has set up their own business and is partnering with a global brand, would receive between £5,250 and £6,000 after their partnership expenses for completing on the same sale.

Think about that really carefully because when it comes down to negotiation and you need an extra 10K out of your sale price, who do you think is more motivated - The high street agent who earns a further £7.50 out of that additional 10K or the person who owns their own business who gets £105?

What motivates a Business Owner?

A Business Owner put their name and reputation on the line in every transaction. Without any salary the agent is highly motivated for your sale to complete so they can receive payment.

  • Reputation and repeat custom
  • To be chosen as your "Agent for life"
  • To get paid upon completion at the best possible price in the shortest time
  • To get your reviews and recommendations to build their client base
  • To establish themselves in their community as the go to property person, to be the educator, the advisor, the solution-based property professional

When the motivation is purposeful, the purpose is clear and the mindset is success, the result is different


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