To Sell Value, Sell Trust (think investment)
Your cutting edge products amaze!
Your service delivery might be the retail killer: same day, next day.
Your software may be the only solution in the market niche; relax, they need you.
But the real asset you're selling is TRUST.
And even though it's tempting to cut a corner here and there to boost $ per transaction, the real cost to your business is huge.
The fine print, added fees, the nickels and dimes…don't sell more, just raise the price.
No one will say anything, or even voice a whimper, until one day, they're gone.
Those extra few dollars you made with slight-of-hand, like a marketing David Blaine, have now cost you tens of thousands of dollars in lost value and business.
The opposite is clearly true: invest a nickel or a dime every chance you get, and the TRUST you earn pays for itself a hundred times over.
Coins are worth less than that...