Sell or Be Sold – Chapter one: A Way of Life
In Chapter one of Sell or Be Sold, Grant Cardone emphasizes the importance of selling in every aspect of our lives. He argues that our ability—or inability—to sell, persuade, negotiate, and convince others will affect every area of our existence and determine how successful we are in life. Whether we realize it or not, everything we do involves selling in some form. If we aren't persuasive enough, we risk being "sold" by others.
Cardone points out that selling doesn't just mean closing a deal for money. The "commission" you earn from selling can take many forms—recognition for a job well done, gaining new connections, or even making new friends. Selling is not limited to a pay check; it’s about the rewards you reap in personal and professional relationships.
He also warns against listening to false information and myths. Many people offer advice, pass on data, or form opinions about things they’ve never personally experienced. This leads to misinformation being spread as truth. Cardone urges us to critically assess the information we receive and to stop trusting data that hasn’t been thoroughly vetted.
Most importantly, Cardone stresses that selling is critical to our survival, no matter who we are or where we are in life. Whether you are wealthy or struggling, male or female, on salary or working on commission, you are always selling something. Selling is necessary for advancement, whether you’re negotiating a deal, advancing in your career, or simply trying to get someone to see your point of view.
In conclusion, Cardone’s message is clear: regardless of your profession or gender, you must understand that selling is an essential part of life. We all sell ourselves in one way or another, whether we’re aware of it or not. For example, by writing and sharing this summary, I am selling my point of view to you.