Are you a sell out?

Today I heard that the extent to which a person is able to sell their product is the degree to which they are ‘convinced’ by that product. They [insert title or role here] are genuinely convinced that their product is the best in terms of quality, service and how it improves the life of their clients/buyers etc. This results in a level of passion and conviction that attracts and produces sales and clients. 

This certainly provides food for thought as we all know the highs and lows of what we do. Customers, competitors and onlookers may question you, your pricing, methods, product etc and this can result in confidence crisis at different points. These things are a part of business. However, how different is it really for those who are 100% convinced and convicted by their product and what they do? What impact is created by those that are 100% ‘sold’ on their product? 

What are your experiences?

Have you found a startling difference when you ‘know’ that what you have is superior (not in an arrogant sense) in your market space compared to when you are 95%, 85% or 65% sure or ‘sold’? 

Would you use your own product because you believe in it, not simply because you created it or are employed to sell it? 

Would you purchase your own product at the price it is at because you know it’s value and have actually seen the impact that it has had? 

If we can answer yes to these questions do you think we could then be further on our way to constantly improving our brands that transform society as well as the market space?


