Sell More and Sell for More
George Swift
Business Mentor, helping Service-based Start-Ups and Small Business Owners to launch and scale their business to ��100k+. Speaker & Author specialising in developing Entrepreneurial Mindsets and successful Business Models
Sell more of what you do and sell what you do for more.
You��ll probably want to run both strategies simultaneously.
If you��ve got capacity to handle more orders, you need to be selling more. If you��re maxed out with orders, grow your operation so you can sell more. If your systems and processes are maxing out, you need to improve them so you can sell more. Basically, if you want to grow your business, you need to sell more. However, you also want to sell for more. If you sold 2X the products for 2X the price, you��ve just 4Xed your business. It��s entirely possible to achieve this in a single year.
Don��t make the mistake of thinking you can��t charge more for what you do. If you think you can��t, you won��t look at how you could and it��s important that you do. You may need a change of positioning, a change of proposition, or possibly a rethink of your target market. Rarely does the product or service itself need a massive overhaul to achieve these gains.
I��ve coached many business owners through doubling their prices and doubling again. In my own business, my 1:1 private coaching price increased over 18X in 7 years, nearly always in 2X increments. You can do it too.