Sell me on Water

Sell me on Water

I have been in sales my entire career and I've learned a thing or two because I've seen a thing or two. Oftentimes, we write our copy to our benefit vs the benefit of our target audience.

"My stuff is great!" or "I want you to buy this!" float across my feed too many times and, while it's probably true, it's not speaking to MY benefit.

But- back to water.

You may not know, but I hate drinking water. It doesn't taste good. I don't get the instant caffeine?hit I do with diet coke, so I usually skip out on the water part.

You may say, "It keeps you alive!" and while that seems like the best marketing campaign- it's falling on deaf ears over here. Kind of like the, "Buy my stuff" type campaign copy.

This is when I tell you to get into the minds of your target audience.

Let's think here.... What do we know about Corrie?

- I'm a mom.

- I work a lot.

- I am mid-30s.

That's a great start to our campaign for more water drinking.

All right, let's break it down.

What do you think moms want? Probably more energy? They gotta keep up with kids and we all know that's exhausting so definitely wanna lean into the fact that water can give you more energy.

Hate being sluggish during the day? Not enough energy to keep up with the kids? Now we're talkin'.

All right. Next up is that Corrie works a lot.

Okay, we know that the brain is made up of mostly water and that water can help with focus and allows you to concentrate on daily tasks better. Sounding even better now!

Last up is that Corrie is in her mid-30s.

She ain't a young buck anymore and almost every woman who is aging is thinking about wrinkles. Water is proven to lessen wrinkles and give your skin that blissful bounce you had as a youngin' all for the low low price of absolutely free.

Now we got a campaign, kids!

All right, so let's put this together in a way that benefits our reader- Corrie.

"Good morning, Corrie!

I can absolutely say it's a good morning over here because I woke up with so much energy!

My secret, you ask? Well, don't tell anyone but it's something that I found and the best part- it's 100% free.

Did you know that water not only helps you sleep more soundly, it is also a caffeine-free energy boost!? Imagine all the energy and none of the headaches from missing that morning diet coke... some call that a dream. Don't even get me started on the $1.06 plus gas you use to go get the large diet coke from McDonald's every day!

I know, I know- you probably just rolled your eyes and said, "oh.... water" and I get it.?

You work a lot- did you know that water can help with focus and concentration? Imagine being able to focus for 1 hour straight vs not being able to focus and that same task takes you 3 hours. Um- you could be done with work and home with just a little water in your day!

Hey, and if that doesn't cut it for you- water can help clear your skin, reduce your wrinkles and give you that perfect glow. Imagine being able to walk past Sephora and keeping that $200 in your pocket. Bank account be singing praise and worship songs right now!

So, wanna give water a taste test? Start with just one glass a day and see how it goes. Notice a difference? Get a little pep in your step? Then add a second glass tomorrow. I'll check back in one week and see how things are going and you can thank me then."

We wrote copy to benefit our reader. We talked specifically to the benefits that will happen for them if they take a simple action of drinking water.

So how you can write to the benefit of your reader while also selling your product to them? I bet it's going to sound a lot different than, "buy my stuff".


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