Sell or Die: The Elevator Pitch as a Tool to Present Projects and Make Income
The idea of “elevator pitch” has its origin on the stories used to tell about the people that proposed new ideas to the boss while being at the elevator with him, just wit the time it takes to go from one level to another, so it can vary from 30 seconds to 2 minutes as the ideal maximum. The idea is a super short speech that can cause intrigue, interest and fascination in a potential buyer, client or investor, and the scenario can be anywhere where you have this short time to present the idea to someone else. This support has to be the most attractive as possible and have to get the interest of the listener since the first second you start speaking.
To make a presentation like this, it is necessary to really condense the important and relevant ideas because it have to make every second count and take advantage that there is the situation that practically makes the other person listen without going away; let’s say that is like “trapped” for some minutes. But, making it short and condense does not mean it will not get to explain well, you have to make those few words into something that can explain the best way the idea to the audience in a clear and simple manner; do not fall into generalisms.
The lineament to follow to make this usually is: present the problem, explain a possible solution for it, and finally, tell how that solution is going to be worked. But all this have a wide chance to differ. For example, the “problem” part is not always a problem, probably just daily situation with a deficit, and the solution may be also only a suggestion. Remember also have an attractive name to introduce the solution you are presenting, and meanwhile it is creative and catchy it will be alright.
And the best way to be sure to present the idea the right way is to practice it a lot, and every time you will see what is better to keep, change or eliminate. The important matter here is to know how to present it, to mark the differentiator from the others, learn how to get the client, have the necessary, really know who the audience is. For this is good to have studied beforehand who you will talk to and the topic about to be presented. Dominating all these aspects will give the speech a unity, defining its design and language.
Always remember to have everything right for the presentation, because the first impression matters the most. A good way to make the first approach go well, is to prepare something to say that can create an emotional link with the listener, and then give the characteristic of a story to the rest of the speech. You have to be capable of giving a good first impact, a good story that is going to catch the interest so they will want to learn more about later. The final aspect: do not go around with what you want to ask, they already know you are there for it, just say how much it will cost, what is required, the time to notice and receive the income, and wait to see if they want to participate.