we are provider Crude oil of Iran and Russian FOB Rotterdam dip and pay for JP54 &-Gasoline LPG,Condensate,payment LC
01. Commodity: DORE BAR GOLD (AU)02. Shape/Carat: Brick shape /Gold DOR BAR 22(1 Kg = 32.1507425 Fine Troy Ounces)03. Fineness/Purity: +96%04. Quantity: 1 MT /monthly with rolls and extensions up to 12MT per year,05. Initial Tranche Size …..06. Country of Origin: ........07. Delivery/Lifts: CIF Dubai/Other safe country (ASWP – Any Safe World Port/Airport 08. Purchase Price: The Previous Day’s second fixing price as quoted on the LondonBullion Market Association (LBMA) in USD per troy ounce on the day of final assayBy Buyer’s nominated Assayer, minus the purity difference between pure goldContent of 999.9% purity and the purity results by the Assayer.Discount 15% Gross Discount, 12% Net to BuyerCommission 3% Commission, as stated below:Buyer side commission (1.5%) is total openSeller side commission (1.5%) is closed.
CIF PROCEDURE FOR DORE BAR 12 MT (SUBJECT " 2 ")1-seller issue FCO with seal and sign 2- buyer accepted and sign and seal FCO and all party this contract sign and seal NCNDA 3- Seller send for buyer draft contract word file include of all company commissioner seller side and buyer side.4-Seller and buyer seal and sign main contract with information of bank accounts and
officers bank for both side 5- After 24 hours seller and buyer send contract to both banks and coordination with his banks then officer of buyer bank call to officer of seller bank and they report POP and POF with together. 6- After confirm POP and POF via bank officers, Buyer bank and buyer deposit the payment obligation in favor of the seller according to contract signed7- buyer bank open MT799 (RWA ) in favor of the seller and the block Fund of buyer convert to MT103 conditional (or bank guarantee) (or MT760) then at once the bank of seller send pop to bank of buyer .8-seller issue three original Proforma Commercial Invoices in favor of the Buyer
9-Until during the 15 days Seller send all documents (POP ) to buyer and buyer bank.10-after buyer received SKR and all documents, buyer bank issue MT103 conditional (or bank guarantee) (or MT760) on accounts of seller and bank of buyer send CC for seller.11-seller transfer Gold to airport destination12- Buyer delivery gold to refinery for test Dore bar in refinery, mandate of buyer get all documents in port of CIF,13-After assay of refinery buyer should deposit all payment to accounts bank of seller.
President-Investment Advisor-Jeremy Resources Limited
8 年Seller's with many procedures are scammers. I was in one of the African countries recently to verify some gold and documents for a partner in Dubai and it was scam. If i were not to go they could have scammed them,because this people always ask of some little money's to be paid for insurance,tax etc and by the time u realize,your money is gone. That's why i always love to deal with PMMC in Accra Ghana.