Selfless Humanity Vs. Egocentric Labeling
Dr. Adam Tabriz
“Founder @ PX6 Medical Systems | Innovating Cyber-Physical Healthcare Solutions | Transforming Patient Care & Management”
The Two Contradictory Ironical Human Traits Within The Vicious Circle Of Labeling, Categorizing, And Habitual Stigmatism
Originally published by illumination on Medium
Human existence from birth to mortality is riddled with unending turmoil. As humans, we differentiate ourselves from other species under the notion of humanity, yet hypocritically preoccupy ourselves with fictitious habits like labeling, categorizing, creating more patterns to set ourselves apart from our fellow humans. And while at it- we assign quality and value to our artificially tagged traits. Once we created these ideals, we set ourselves apart from the others, then we take it upon ourselves to unite and glamourize with others who share the same values as us and down look at those who don’t, creating polarity within ourselves. Still, we “The humans” have the mordacity to call ourselves upholders of humanity under collective consciousness.
Every living person has two poles of Egocentrism and selflessness within. Those who see themselves as spiritual call it compassionate vs. Evil.
Egocentric human is unable to separate between oneself and others and cannot untangle subjective schemas from unbiased actuality. The egoistic can’t accurately arrogate or understand a perspective other than self.
Egocentric behaviors are less conspicuous in adulthood, indicating that human beings are always striving to learn how to avoid it to survive in society- some ways to accomplish that vary, some through religion, school of thoughts, and cult. Adults look seems to be less egocentric than children. For that reason, we always tend to “label” those egocentric adults as childish. Indeed, frequently we stigmatize “the childish attitude.” Since most people may relate Egocentrism to Narcissism, nonetheless, they are not the same. Although Egocentrism and narcissism appear similar, yet are not the same.
Photo by Syarafina Yusof on Unsplash
An egocentric believes they are the center of attention, just like a narcissist, without receiving or expecting indulgence by one’s own admiration. While for egocentrics, the endorsement of others may or may not be motivating, but for Both egotists and narcissists, it is inspiring.
The Extreme of Humanity and Evilness can be the Driver of Petty Stigmatism
The secure element of feeling, the glamorization, and habit of labelling and seeking constant approval, be it under collective consciousness, humanity, or selfishness, is the dominant driver of stigmatization against others.
Stigma is a negative institution and is so, by virtue, the driver of discriminatory behavior. Once used by media, which frequently does, the consequences will be public misperceptions and fears and exposes the potential victims to bullying.
The Consequence of Social Stigma
Social stigma is the agent of intolerance against a person founded on perceivable social characteristics. The kind of features that serve to distinguish them from other members of the community. Social stigmas are commonly related to culture, gender, race, intelligence, and health.
Although stigmatization is usually negative, nonetheless, the legitimization of abnormal behavior and the aberrant role; freedom from typical social roles and obligations; provision of interpersonal and social opportunities; strengthening of familial relationships; opportunities for career growth and change; and personal growth experiences have illustrated positive responses. But generally speaking, stigmatized individuals experience a sense of diminished control over their lives, translating decreased positive affect and life gratification. Hence, the vicious circle of labelling, categorizing, then induct more habits, more tags, further embarrassment will continue until someone restores the reality.
Egocentrism- the Catalyst for Habitual Stigma
According to the ego-defensive role of legitimization, the influence of discrimination in depressing self-esteem is moderated by threat-based justifications.
The degree of insight (Individuals with exceptional levels of insight know how they feel) is a prominent player of ego function. Individuals with poor ideas engage in more primitive psychological defenses like denial, and either is clueless about who they are or try to persuade themselves they are something they are not.
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash
Agentic people understand themselves within the realm of their ability to guide their behavior with resolution. They can engross in self-directed behavior effectively, guiding their actions near goals over time, can manage impulses, and are flexible in the face of setbacks. In contrast, low agentic people have an external locus of control, experience life as happening to them rather than the reverse. The latter group, in general, has no bearing and often feels subordinate to notions of fate in terms of what happens to them. They also are impulsive, responding to the wants of the minute rather than hindering their immediate cravings for longer-term objects.
The degree of self-esteem, recognition, and empathy are also closely related to the agency. It is the extent to which individuals respect and value themselves.
The degree of empathy with others is the measure of our sense of self developments concerning our understanding of others (and how they treat us). Because we merely exist within interdependent networks of other people. In other words, we initially appreciate ourselves through the reflection of others, and because our identity is very much about narrating and legitimizing our actions to others, an essential aspect of ego functioning is the capacity to understand others elaborately.
The degree of integration, purpose, and thematic coherence means that we all have different parts, alternating self-states and various social roles that we fulfill. The degree of complexity of the latter perspective and the extent to which it provides the individual with a sense of direction toward what is right and virtuous is a crucial component of ego functioning.
But- Satisfying the Ego may also Strengthen our Best Selves
There is also an unusual paradox that the more the ego is satisfied, the higher the likelihood of actually reaching one’s goals. I think we tend to grossly undervalue the degree to which the drive for self-enhancement actually gets in the way of reaching one’s goals, even if one’s intentions are primarily agentic. Although the self can be a person’s most excellent resource, it can also serve as the darkest foe. On the one hand, the radically human capacities for self-awareness, self-reflection, and self-control are essential towards achieving goals. On the other hand, the person will do whatever it takes to dismiss the self of accountability for any negative consequence, even if it may have played a central part.
By Legitimizing Ego, we may find ourselves Farther away from the reality
The egocentric predicament is a term neologized by Ralph Barton Perry in an article. It is a problem of the inability to view reality outside of our own perceptions. Within its framework, every knowledge takes the form of a hypothetical internal cognitive symbol that represents an external reality that our mind examines in distinctive shapes. Since direct connection with reality cannot be made outside of our own subconscious; therefore, we cannot know for a certainty it uniformly occurs. This means that human being is limited to his or -her own perceptual ecosphere and interpretations.
All in all-
“ Ironically, the egocentric human existence has always found a way to create a stigma and create a vicious circle of labeling, categorizing, then induct more habits, more tags, further embarrassment, and legitimize their egos only to find themselves distant away from reality.”