Self/cross hard/soft attention
Alfredo Canziani
Assistant Professor of Computer Science at NYU Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
“Set to set” and “set to vector” mappings using self/cross hard/soft attention. We combined a (two) attention module(s) with a k=1 1D convolution to get a transformer encoder (decoder).
This week's slides were quite dense, but we've been building up momentum since the beginning of class, 3 months ago.
We recalled concepts from:
? Linear Algebra (Ax as lin. comb. of A's columns weighted by x's components, or scalar products or A's rows against x)
? Recurrent Nets (stacking x[t] with h[t–1] and concatenating W_x and W_h)
? Autoencoders (encoder-decoder architecture)
? k=1 1D convolutions (that does not assume correlation between neighbouring features and act as a dim. adapter)
and put in practice with PyTorch.
Notice how you can smoothly go from hard to soft attention by switching between argmax and softargmax (which most of you still call “softmax”). Hard attention implies a one-hot vector a, while soft attention gives your pseudo probabilities.
Once again, this architecture deals with *sets* of symbols!
There is no order. Therefore, computations can be massively parallelised (they are just a bunch of matrix products, afterall).
Just be aware of that t × t A matrix that could blow up, if t (your set length) is large.
Just a final recap, there is *one* and *only one* _query_ (I'd like to cook a lasagna) that I'm going to check against *all* _keys_ (recipes titles) in order to retrieve *one* (if hard) or *a mixed* (if soft) _value_ (recipe to prepare my dinner with).
Me, hungry, during class = decoder.
My granny, knowing all recipes names (keys) and preparations (values) = encoder.
Me, figuring out what I want = self-attention.
Me, asking granny = cross-attention.
Dinner = yay!
I'm done.
Next week: Graph Neural Nets (if it's taking me less than a week to learn about them).