#SELFCARE Sick of surviving? Time to THRIVE.

March 22, 2017

Sharne Tam

The big theme that has been prominent with my clients so far, this year has been Self-care.


 This doesn’t have to mean the hippy dippy spiritual mumbo jumbo rantings of a vegan witch. Just some every day, weekly or monthly actions to nurture your soul. And remember just because something is totally different to what is normal for you, doesn’t make it mumbo jumbo and you really should try something that is outside of your normal zone. You can transform how you live, love, work and lead the way with your colleagues & teams with some simple timeouts that will help you thrive on all levels. Some ways to bring #selfcare into your life, no matter how busy or demanding things get for you: -

1. Get 5 mins of meditation before you leave home or start work.

Or, as I like to call it - Contemplating your Belly Button. You don’t need to be sitting cross-legged, chanting OM and clearing your mind totally. Sometimes it’s better to just sit and quietly go over what needs to be done that day. Visioning the tasks at hand help to make things run a bit more smoothly up in the brain centre, the engine room of the body.

 2. Spend some time outside. In Nature. No seriously…..This is not a drill…..

With no phone, IPad or laptop.

Just you and Mother Nature. It doesn’t have to be an all-day hike, but just getting outside and standing on some EARTH – not concrete but real grass & dirt. Preferably take your shoes off so that your bare feet touch the earth. (This is called EARTHING) Sit on the grass and place your hands on the earth as well. GROUND. This is a very powerful tool to reconnect when things are out of balance or overwhelming. Take the time to do it and it will pay big dividends in the end. It’s about investing in YOU.

3. Exercise.

No matter how busy you are, or how many deadlines you have. No having to go to the gym and sweat it out and trash what minuscule ounces of energy you have left. Just a simple walk around the block, or down to the park. Do some simple body stretches before you have a shower in the morning. Keep it simple, but keep it moving.

4. Write everything down that is running through your head.

I should have shares in the shop Typo. I send all my clients there to buy a funky spiral bound notebooks and pens. They are cheap and you can get something spectacular or plain jane. It’s up to you. The thing is to write things down. Get them out of the already overcrowded head space and onto some paper. It’s a real-life download. It clears up space. From lists of things to do, core desired felling’s to help you achieve what your SOUL desires to get some painful thoughts and feelings out. If you don’t want anyone to find and read your notes, then rip the page out ( Woo Hoo for spiral bound notebooks ! ) crunch it up and burn it and send the ashes off into the wind. Permanently deleting them to the universal trash can.

5. Set #selfcare activities in the calendar on your phone for each month. And commit to them.

The trick is to doing things that actually mean #selfcare to you.

 *Book a massage once a month.

* Spoil yourself with a deeply nurturing facial.

* Splash out on a Mani & Pedi session and some lunch with a BFF.

* Spend a Saturday at the footy with your best mates yelling at the Ref.

* Get a few mates together for a round of golf.

* Spend an hour or so at a real book shop checking out the new releases and having a latte.

* Run a warm bath with Epsom salts and just float for a while.

* Curl up on the lounge with a big blanket and snacks whilst binge watching your favourite series on Netflix one rainy Sunday afternoon.

The list is only limited by your imagination.

Remember that #selfcare is not optional, it’s essential.

Want an individual consultation? Book in with me now.

Sharne Tam ?

Business Development Mentor & Coach / Trainer / Writer / Workshops / Individual & Team Consultant / Soulpreneur

0475 391 530 

[email protected]


Sharne Tam

Clinical Aromatherapist / Intuitive Coaching Sessions

7 年
Dr Steve Barlow

Leadership Development, Business Growth, Workplace Wellness - A Change Readiness Approach

7 年

Great ideas, Sharne.


