Justin Brienesse
On a mission to increase emotional connectivity in our Communities! Through guiding others to better understand themselves and others ??????????
Introduction To Self-Validation??
In my life I have always subconsciously struggled with this concept, as throughout my life, my opinion was never valid, as how I operate is completely unique to me, just like how you operate is unique to you.?
For me I was made to feel like who I was, was the wrong kind of person, how I saw things were wrong and I should hide who I was away from the world.?
Unfortunately, this lead me to develop a fear of myself, that if I showed people myself they would attack me, unfortunately, this fear was developed through years of people mentally and emotionally attacking me whenever I would show them my true self.?
This, in turn, led me to become highly aggressive because I always felt I was never good enough, my personal tragedy was the key to breaking the shackles of mental slavery.?
As I was always seeking other people to tell me who I was, who was good enough, that who I wanted to be was someone of worth, unfortunately in our society these days people think this is some kind of weakness and not a miss understanding of how to validate one's idea of self.?
It is important to be able to understand in ourselves and others these traits of low self-worth or inability to self-validate our value to ourselves and especially to identify it in others so we may help show them the truth.???
What Is Self-Validation?
To Understand self-validation we have to first understand how we currently validate our thoughts, beliefs, values and so much more.?
The important realization I had was why did I need to validate the beliefs I held before I would feel the effects of the beliefs, but even worse was the realization that all it took was one small comment and I would lose any self-belief that I had built.?
As I was so dependent on the validation of my environment, the people around me, and my results and if I had that I would feel confident, and if one small issue or negative thing was said I would lose everything I worked for that day.?
That is the important thing if I validate externally to myself I need 100% constant validation, which typically to other people looks like egotistical, narcissistic, and very insecure behavior do you see my problem??
If I validate externally I will always focus on how I look to others, what they think of me, and what they say about me when I am not around, in essence, it means I need to be hyper-vigilant to everyone around me so that I can remain highly valuable to those around me to feel good about myself.?
This is no way to live as a shell of who I could be, as an imposter never showing people the real me in fear of them knowing how weak I really was, so like many as a defense mechanism I would create these false masks of who you thought I was and I would never be my authentic self which meant I attracted into my life.?
All of those people who didn’t truly like me for who I was, which lead me to never feel good about who I was, which lead me to live a life I never wanted doing things because I thought it would make me feel good enough and I could never see the damage I was doing to my mental health living a false life.
????????My Thesis On Self-Validation?
Throughout my personal journey, I never could see how self-validation was a key missing aspect, which I lacked in my life how I personally operated until a few months ago, was having a subconscious need to be externally validated before I would feel positive about myself and the way I was moving through situations in my life.?
I thought that I needed to be recognized by others as being worthy or that my thoughts or ideas on how to do things needed to be recognized by others and unfortunately for me personally this led me to live a very volatile life.?
Where I never truly felt good enough, that my approach to things was never right, I would always put others' beliefs before my own unless they shared the same beliefs as me, and from what I have personally realized how destructive this was to my self-worth.?
I will put it like this, how can I ever feel worthy if I am always putting others' opinions or beliefs on how to do things before my own opinion or beliefs on what is the right way to do something??
This has had a very negative effect on how I subconsciously valued myself, and how I internally built up my own self-worth, the effects of this on my mental landscape have been so destructive, that I can feel like I am a highly valuable person and then bang I feel like the lowest most worthless person all because of a negative thought pattern.?
This is the importance of self-validation, we should never seek to compare ourselves against another, unfortunatly our society is built on the need to validate externally, through schooling where my grades are not based on how I feel I did.?
But what teachers think is valuable, is determined not by truth, it’s determined based on what a textbook says, what an expert thinks and this is so so so destructive to our mental landscape.?
What you think of the effort you put into your work means absolutely nothing unless you are saying word for word what a book says or what a so-called expert in the field says.?
Unfortunately, this is a scam and a lie period, don’t you ever value yourself based on anyone else, every truly great human being in history and life has been different, and agreeing with others only leads to the promotion of those ideas and limits our natural expansion.?
The greatest lesson I learned from my 8 years at university was, teachers don’t know shit and they will lie, they will tear you down to force you into their mold of who society says you should be and what society thinks is correct.?
I will point out the greatest realization that I had, which was trying to understand the scientific process, which if you ask society is fact.?
Bullshit, science can only disprove things it can never prove something, I ask you to challenge any scientist to tell you unequivocally that what they say is 100% fact and truth that cannot be disproven.?
They can’t because in the real world, in life, in the universe they don’t know shit period and they front to us as if they know everything until they are proven wrong and then they turn to us and say oh I didn’t account for that.?
Yet they tear down anyone with an opposing belief to them as if the other viewpoint is worthless, invalid, is downright a lie and are you seeing my point??
Society will make you feel like nothing if you don’t agree with their conscientious belief, if you dare to hold your own opinion the system will attack you, trying to limit the expansion of thought, not because your opinion isn’t valid, but for the fact that they cannot accept that other’s hold different opinions to their own.?
This is why your opinion and your beliefs have to be your rock, your foundation, and don’t you ever let anyone take the self-belief you hold away from you, prepare to fight, prepare to go to war with anyone who dares to take your light away from you.?
For they do not live in truth, there is no truth in life, the only truth in life lives between your ears and can never exist outside of your mind.?
You are the creator of your own reality, which means what is real is subjective not an underlying truth or truly real, everything is set in stone until someone chooses to challenge that consensus before they disprove what was thought to be real and society will never tell you that as to admit that strips them of their control over you.?
For if you knew the truth that life is life and things are just happening with no universal truth, that what is perceived as real is not truly real it’s just yours or my perspective of what we choose to think of as real is determined by what? What we can prove? What we can create??
Then by definition, if you can think it, it has already become real, your thoughts shape the construction of your concept of reality, what you believe sets the foundation of your reality, and what you feel emotionally internally fuels your ability to create your own reality.?
This is the realization that broke the shackles of mental slavery that society had bound me with, always trying to hold me personally down, with limiting thoughts, and beliefs, and by trying to destroy my own personal power the power of belief in what I chose to think was right.?
You owe it to yourself to be your own champion of belief, you must always hold your truth and light in your hands for this is your true power as a human being to be able to create the reality of life you deserve.?
For many will try to control you in life, and many will try to enslave your mind, I am personally here to help you fight for your right to exist how you want to, to help guide you.?
Like I must guide myself to the real truths of life, that no one can truly control you unless you allow them to and this is to the same no one can hurt you unless you let them hurt you.?
Do you see? That other’s actions or words can only affect you if you let them, that you are like a diamond and only a diamond can cut a diamond.?
The same others' thoughts, opinions, and beliefs, can only affect you once you have allowed them to affect you, and if you choose to say my opinion and my beliefs are my own.?
No other can influence my beliefs unless I choose to adopt them for my own, this is the power of internal validation over external validation, you must be the guardian of the gates of your mind, and to all those with negative agendas, you are ready to do battle with at a moments notice.?
Without cause, without warning, should you choose to stand against me, you will feel my wraith, my force, my unrelenting force, not the force of ego, but the force of self-worth of self-validation and you can break me but you can never shake me.?
This is the true power of choosing to believe in yourself, to which the internal result is your subconsciously telling yourself I value you, I back you and most importantly I am personally here to back you.??
????????What I Have Found Through My Experience
Throughout my years on this planet, in this field of life, I have learned the hardest lessons that I am still trying to understand fully, around validating who I am as worthy, around choosing to back myself in everything I do.?
It’s not that I think I am always right, but I have learned to trust myself over others even if I am wrong in my decision and it is ok to be wrong through failure I learn.?
I am ok learning the hard lessons if it means that through my actions and beliefs, I am building self-trust within myself, building self-belief in who I want to be, and mostly in choosing the advice and information that I feel resonates with the life I wish to live.?
The importance I have come to realize is how much of an effect my actions, thought patterns, and belief structures have had on shaping my concept of reality.?
My actions will determine if I am trusting in myself or if I am choosing to validate externally, my thought patterns are the result of the actions I take in life and my belief structures set the structure of what I believe as being possible in life.?
It is important for me to understand who am I, who I want to be in life, what makes me truly happy in life, and if I take only authentic actions that serve my best intentions in life.?
I will feel powerful, powerful in my own right, powerful in my belief I can achieve whatever I want my life to be, I can also limit those who want only to take away from who I am in life and start determining the boundaries of how I demand to be treated so that I may personally show myself respect.?
As it is on no other to determine how I should be treated or respected, it is solely on me to hold my own torch in life, to command internal respect before another will know how to show me respect in life and through this action, I am building my own respect for myself with myself.?
For me, I have learned the importance of learning how to internally validate what I thought, believed, and felt regardless of if there was consensus from my external environment or peers was a breakthrough that allowed me to see the personal value I held in each situation.?
Was dramatically important for me to be able to start rebuilding my sense of self-worth, the sense of self-belief and mostly to understand how I can effectively validate myself in each moment.?
So that I could rebuild my identity of self, who I am, who I want to be, how I wish to engage with others in this world, and see the positive power I can personally wield in my own life.?
The key to feeling good about myself is I had to define that ideal of who I am, without setting boundaries of who I am I will never know what thoughts are mine and what thoughts have been implanted into my subconscious through external sources.?
????????????How Do I Build My Self-Validation?
Building self-validation is a process of first identifying who I am, what I think, what I believe, and most importantly how I feel about myself and the ways in which I interact with my external environment.?
This is not something that I do once, then I am set for life, as to truly understand how validation works, I must understand that it is in every moment I must choose to see information through my lens of belief and I must stay guard with myself for in every moment there is the option to relapse back into old behavioral patterns.?
The true power is the understanding of awareness, as with awareness I am able to remind myself of my own personal struggles in the past and I am able to then create the narrative which I decide is right for me.?
To be able to work through any limiting beliefs, I may hold around my personal worth, around my personal value and most importantly I am able to choose to value myself over other beliefs of who I am.?
When I choose to see myself as being the most valuable person in my life I am able to raise my opinion above others in regard to events or situations which directly affect my life and I am able to slowly through actions rebuild the lost trust in myself.?
Because remember every time we choose to agree or go with another's belief at the moment, we are telling our subconscious that we don’t value ourselves and you are free to argue against my truth.?
But believe me, I know this as fact through my own life struggles and through the multitude of actions I have taken in my life based on not valuing my thoughts, beliefs, and feelings I know this for a fact.?
For I have lived a life of silent desperation wishing for another to see my worth and it was only once I started seeing my worth that others valued who I was.?
Self-validation like health or wealth is not a one-time thing, it is through a lifetime of action does one truly build that self-value within themselves and each moment in life has the possibility of destroying all of that hard work.?
Like an addict addicted to drugs we can be clean and sober for years, but in one action we can start moving backward falling deeper back into our old ways of looking for external validation.?
Validation is a drug, that works very similarly with our biochemical responses, if everyone in my external environment tells me how amazing I am, my brain will dump chemicals into my body, giving me a huge serge of dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin and just like drugs if I’m not careful I can become dependant once again on validating externally.?
???My Process Of Using The Universe To Develop Self-Love And ? ? Self-Validation?
Understanding how the universe really works has been a life passion of mine since I was a young child, to understand the intricate aspects of how I personally am connected to the universe, not separate from the universe, and how I am in unity with everything that is and has ever been.?
To understand this is to truly understand the influence my thoughts, beliefs, and feelings have on my external environment and how my thought patterns or behavioral patterns have a direct influence over everything I personally experience throughout my existence.?
When trying to develop a deeper understanding of this topic, it wasn’t through the positive aspects of my life that helped me to personally connect the dots and in fact, it was through what I believed were the worst days of my life.?
That the true answers were presented to me, through loss, through heartbreak, through what I believed to be the lowest days of my life and I was able to realize that life wasn’t happening to me.?
But in fact, life was just happening and these were situations or events that I was fueling through my own negative thoughts and my choice to play the victim of my own story.
Oh why did they do this to me, people or life are out to hold me down, to crush me, but in fact through this perspective I was unable to see how every negative event or situation in my life was really a test.?
A test put to me by myself, the realization I had through retrospection was it was only me causing mental damage to me, and in truth, the worst days of my life to others would be considered their best days.?
I realized how weak that mindset or belief system was, for me personally my life is effortless in comparison to someone who is truly struggling in life, someone who has to fight for their survival daily and it was this weak mindset that was entrapping me in my own self-fulfilling prophecy.?
Through these low vibrational thoughts, I was building my own prison, not a prison of bricks, mortar, and bars, a prison of mental thought, of mental shackles designed by myself to hold me down, to suffocate me through limiting beliefs.?
The important thing about self-validation is without a proper understanding of perspective, through comparison to others, I would adopt their framework for what is real and I would always feel I should be further in my own personal development than what was true.?
We are all in our own race of life, racing to death, racing to achievement, racing at whatever level we believe is possible for ourselves and I never realized how personally destructive this way of thinking was for myself.
But how can I understand where I am in life without comparison to others who have come before me, how do I find the right path to walk in life and how could I ever build the strength in my decision of what to pursue without comparison to others??
The true answer is through meditation, through getting quiet with my thoughts, analyzing what is truly my thoughts, beliefs, and feelings in anything I think, do, or feel.?
It was only once I delved deep into knowing who I am, what I believe and what are indeed my thoughts, and what beliefs I have picked up from my external environment.?
Through this process of forcing myself to look at myself without the rose-colored glasses of my ego, of who I wanted to present to my external environment, of not blaming others for where I was, and realizing that everything in my life was self-created the good the bad, and the ugliest sides of myself.?
To really see myself for who I indeed was through my actions, beliefs, and thoughts, to reframe from blaming my external environment for all my self-believed miss fortune, to look at myself with truth and ask myself a simple question.?
Is this who you want to be? Is this really you? To see that I am the reason for all of my negative belief structures, I am the reason that I have been shackled by life and the situations presented to me, to really understand the power of my thoughts and how I have through my own laziness been fueling the outsourcing of my personal belief in myself.?
Once I understood this, the clouds in my mind started to part, and my mental fog began to lift, through this form of introspection I was able to see nothing negative ever happened to me and it was through the thought patterns I held were the reasons I felt trapped.?
The reasons for why I felt failure, the reasons I felt guilt or shame for who I was and I understood the path out of my own living hell.?
Understanding that everything in life is internal outward to external gives me the control to fix what I can within myself, which in turn has a dramatic knock-on influence into my external environment and it is through this process of working inside out, rather than working outside in that truly helped me to better deal with my own life issues and challenges.?
Rather than trying to fix all of the external symptoms of my negative mental space, I chose to look inward to find the true root causes of all of my personal damage, my emotional trauma, the reason I was limiting myself through my beliefs and feelings of who I indeed was and who I truly wanted to be in this lifetime.?
So how do I use my understanding of being in unity with the universe to build my self-validation, it comes down to understanding that if I want to validate who I am within myself, I need to understand how my thought patterns can be influenced.?
By the language patterns I use to describe situations and also how I can use my thoughts to influence how I feel and what I believe.?
Instead of seeking to externally validate myself through my surrounding peers, I am now able to understand that I can use my internal link to the universe or the idea of the self god as if I am a part of the universe and not disconnected from the universe.?
Then by definition, every thought I have is a gift from the universe, fully connected to everything that has ever been and everything that ever will be.?
You see the universe is within everyone at all times, if I wanted to feel the sensation of being deeply in love or deeply cared for, all I need to do is to close my eyes, to think about every experience I have had of feeling deeply in love and the result will be that my emotional state will shift into one of being deeply in love.?
To the same, if I would follow this process with any sensation or emotion that I wished to feel will have the same result, as my belief that this emotional state is real will directly influence the biochemical response that my brain creates.?
Understanding to the extent we believe something is real in our mind has a direct correlation to how powerful the emotional shift will be and more importantly to the extent I follow this practice will directly influence its overall effectiveness this practice will have on the biochemical responses in my body.?
I have created this process through understanding how I used the external environment or other people to create this effect within myself and the truth is there is no difference in potency as my mind does not require external stimulation to create sensations.?
Belief does not require anything outside of ourselves to be activated, it is just that throughout my life I was personally conditioned to believe that I had to validate everything through the lens of my external environment, that it was wrong to ignore others and focus on my personal beliefs.?
This has been my most significant discovery in life, should I believe to my core that if I am deeply in love with every aspect of the universe truly and genuinely I am deeply in love with the wind, with the sunshine, with the birds and the trees.?
Well by default I am made from that same universe, so if I am deeply in love with the universe, then I am truly saying to myself that I am deeply in love with myself as I am a part of that same universe.?
The power of this statement is in understanding language, for rather than just loving something if I am in love with something a powerful force becomes that thing.?
As loving something is great, but to be deeply in love with something gives me a powerful courage to fight, to do any and everything for what I am in love with.?
Loving something in our language is static in the past, whereas being in love with something brings it into the present, into the now, it takes the thought from being static to now it is alive within me in every moment and within my thoughts adds a divine power to those thoughts.?
As thoughts create our reality, beliefs construct the limitations of our reality and feelings fuel our desires in life.?
To understand this process is to understand the bases for how we conceptually create our ideas of reality in our mind, and how we find the strength to endure any and every hardship we experience and it is through this understanding we can shift our perspectives around what we believe as being truth.?
Self-Validation Wrap up?
Understanding the power of your mind, your thoughts, your beliefs, and your emotional feelings, gives you control over your life.?
When we understand the importance of these factors on how we subconsciously construct the world around us through our thoughts, our words spoken, our beliefs held, our actions taken and our feelings felt, we gain the ability to create and shape how we perceive the life around us.?
We gain the ability to choose the meaning of any event we go through in life, but more importantly, we understand that if we do not consciously choose to do this, then our subconscious will choose this path for us and with that, we lose the control to decide the meaning of all actions or events in our life.?
Control is not about dictating everything in our environment, it’s not about deciding to control how others interact with us or the situations or events that show up in our life.?
But it is that I control my thoughts about the meaning in my life, I control the belief of what I think is possible and true in my life and I control how I feel about any situation or event I go through in my life.?
I can only ever control my external environment through my internal thoughts, my actions, and my beliefs.?
I choose if I will stay in situations, I choose if something is positive or negative in my life, I choose how I feel in every moment of my life and no other can ever change that unless I give them the ability to influence my thoughts, beliefs and feelings.?
This power is a gift, a gift from god, the universe, me whatever you wish to identify it as and you have the power in every moment to take that control back to choose your own destiny in your life.
Self-Validation Workshop Activities?
Understanding Langauge Patterns Activity
The importance of the language we use cannot be understated as the language we use in the internal conversations we have within ourselves, has a direct influence over how we construct our beliefs.?
Throughout my personal development journey, I have noticed the impact of small shifts around the internal conversations I have had with myself, and how these conversations I have had have influenced the beliefs I have constructed about myself.?
How these beliefs have fueled how I feel about myself, how these feelings have resulted in different ways I have come to view myself and who I am to myself.?
A small shift from excluding negative language in my own self-talk has dramatically shifted my view of who I am and how I feel about myself.?
For example in times of stress, shifting my focus of language from things happening to me to focusing on things that are happening and that I am just experiencing these events happening.?
To take yourself away from being the subject of your language to more of being an observer, observing things happening through detached language helps to see events or situations for what they are as just happening and I am currently experiencing these events.?
This allows me to remove any emotional attachment to the event or outcome, giving me control to assess the true negative aspects of these events and this allows me to see that if not me it would be happening to someone else.?
A key practice I focus on is shifting my language from a first-person sense to a third-person perspective as if I were watching someone else go through these events.?
With this small action, I am able to detach from any momentary negative emotions, giving me the ability to see the outcome I want in life and have a more broad view of if I want X outcome and what would be the best way to get there.?
Once I have detached the emotional connection, I am able to focus on the right mindset or thought pattern needed to achieve my goals in any situation.?
This in turn gives me the ability to cease reacting to the events, allowing me to take a step back and look to my left, then look to my right and assess if is this still the right path for me.?
Most importantly I am able to choose the right language to talk myself through the situation, to talk myself down from the reactionary ledge, and to start problem-solving on what will help me get through this situation.?
An important action for you to practice in the moment, is to consciously shift your language from the first person to the third person, take for example recently my social media accounts were hacked.?
So in the first person, the narrative is someone has taken something from me, I have lost something or I risk losing what I have worked hard for.?
Now in the third person, it would be that hackers or scammers have taken control of the social media accounts. It is not that they have specifically targeted me, more of this is an event that has and would always happen now how can I resolve this issue, who could I contact to help me resolve this issue??
If I remove from my language that it is my account and I look at it objectively an account has been compromised what would be the best course of action to take, and what resources are available for me to use to resolve this situation?
Activity 1? ?
Think back to a situation that causes you to become emotionally unstable and change your language from subjective to objective.?
Activity 2?
In that same situation think of three ways you could detach your emotions from the situation's outcome and write down how you rephrase the narrative in your mind.?
Activity 3?
Use a subjective narrative and an objective narrative in this situation and note down your emotional states.?
How did the subjective narrative with you as the subject make you feel??
How did the objective narrative with the situation as the object make you feel?
You should start to see how when we are subject to a negative situation, we feel trapped by the outcome, and when the situation is the object how detached from the outcome we become.?
Retrospection How To Look Back On Past Experiences Activity
To be able to look back on past experiences is important for our personal growth and development as so many of our experiences are missed in the moment.?
As things happen so quickly, with our conscious mind only having very limited processing ability in comparison to our subconscious mind, have you ever noticed that some events in life sit in the back of your mind stuck on replay??
This is the true power of our subconscious mind, our subconscious mind records everything we see, feel, smell, taste, do or don’t do, everything we say or don’t say, basically everything our sensory organs collect is stored in our subconscious mind.?
The key is having quiet time for our conscious mind and subconscious to be able to review what has happened in our day, how we reacted to those events, how we feel about how we reacted and to be able to review and learn from any mistakes we may have made.?
Activity 1?
This process requires you to sit quietly with your eyes closed, take deep but relaxed breaths, and have your hands crossed over your waist crossing past your wrists, and halfway up your arms.
Use this time to think back through your day or previous event, let your subconscious mind direct you through your thoughts, observe your thoughts and explore your thoughts to the extent you feel required or comfortable to do so.?
Keep a notepad next to you, if you feel the need or have any revelations around any thoughts you have had on these situations or events journal them down.?
This will help you to extract information from your subconscious mind.?
Activity 2?
This process focuses on past emotional or recent emotional trauma, now there is no level or scale to this so it can be as traumatic as PTSD or it can be as minor as a hurtful conversation and you are the judge of what is emotional trauma to you.
This is a reactionary process focused on amplifying emotional pain in the moment, to allow yourself to fully feel and explore that pain or trauma, as when we allow ourselves to experience the full extent of our emotions and we don’t repress our emotions we are able to fully work through them.?
Like activity 1 this process requires you to sit down, crossing your arms past your wrists halfway up your arm and the goal of this process is to allow yourself to feel sad, upset, hurt, distraught, and any emotion you may be feeling.?
Now the key is to amplify this emotion to the highest level or lowest point you can artificially and to fully experience the emotion in depth until you feel the weight lift off your shoulders.?
For example in love when I was rejected by someone I thought was deeply in love with me, for someone else, I felt abandoned, rejected, and worthless in the moment, and instead of repressing those emotions.?
I chose to amplify them, to make myself sit through and deal with every time someone who had abandoned me, to feel what it would feel like to live the rest of my life with no one ever again as in that moment I made myself feel 60 years of abandonment to imagine myself living and dying alone.?
The thing is when I brought myself to the lowest point, a choice was presented to me, is this the reality you choose to live in??
This is the key, before you can truly let go and rebuild yourself, you must first tear down the weak foundation and start building yourself based on a solid foundation.?
By the way, my choice was NO, I don’t care how much pain I personally have to go through in life, I will never be defined by a belief that no one will ever love me in my life and NO I refuse to live and die alone.?
Do you see the power of facing your worst-case scenario, you get to choose if it will ever become a reality and this pain can never hurt you again because you have unequivocally rejected it as being not your life's truth.?
Validating One’s Self Activity
Validating one’s self is an important aspect of your own life, the importance of being able to validate yourself as being valuable, worthy, unique, and most of all validating your love for yourself.?
The value of being able to validate yourself throughout any personal struggle or life situation, means you are able to now create the narrative for your life and to be able to generate those positive feelings within yourself in any moment.?
The key also comes in the form of being able to identify outside negative feelings or emotions, you may find yourself in and being able to see those emotions for what they are.?
When we understand that we create our own meaning in our life, the meaning of success, happiness, fulfillment and so much more we are able to consciously choose how we wish to feel in any moment in life.?
No other has the right to determine the meaning or what you feel in life as being valid or invalid and it is only through your agreement to assume their truth as your own truth that gives others' opinions power over your mind.?
Activity 1?
This is a mindfulness practice that is the base of you valuing your opinion over others’ opinions and is the first step to understanding how to internally validate your own beliefs and thoughts.?
The key to this practice is to observe your thoughts, to identify your current beliefs on what is true to you, to identify within yourself the range of possibilities of outcomes, and to do advanced critical thinking about what could go right with your beliefs.?
Then look at the other side of the range of possibilities of negative outcomes, while doing a risk assessment of the likelihood of failure in your actions and to identify what would be the likely capital or emotional loss from this event happening.?
The important aspect is to look at both sides of the outcome, to decide whether the potential for loss is more likely or the potential for gain is more likely, and then to decide on a course of action to take.?
The important thing to remember is that even in the event of failure, you are still fine and you have the internal ability and strength to get through whatever happens.?
Building trust in one’s self is only achieved through failure, through falling down, and having the will to continue regardless of the negative emotions you feel.?
But more importantly, it is to remember the worst-case scenario that we play in our minds is usually far more potent than any negative outcome we feel in reality.?
Remember in the moment if we shift from focusing on the negative to focusing on the positives we have a higher likelihood of achieving a positive outcome and focus using our shift in perspective to give us courage and strength to persist regardless of our momentary feelings.?
Typically what separates success from failure in life is the perspective or meaning we give to the outcome and if we can control our internal dialog we can control our external results.??
Full Brain Activation Activity?
Understanding how our brain operates is vital to being able to understand how our psychology is constructed in our minds.?
To understand this deeper is to understand where our thoughts are developed, where our emotions are developed, and how we come to form our beliefs about the world around us.?
When we look deep enough into our conscious mind and further into understanding our subconscious mind, we are able to start identifying what thoughts are conscious, what thoughts are subconscious, and what thoughts are implanted through external conditioning.?
When we separate out the implanted thoughts, we are able to reassess them from a new detached perspective, which allows us to see them for what they are, without the belief of them being our own truth.?
If we now understand that our subconscious holds our emotions, feelings, and internal beliefs, but has no center for logic or language we can start to understand the difficulties we have in being able to understand our emotional states and why we fall into them.?
If my conscious mind holds my language and logical core and my subconscious holds my emotions and feelings well it now makes sense why I can not comprehend why I am feeling a certain way or be able to logically describe what I am feeling.?
The key comes from Psych-K ( Psychology kinesiologist) which is the practice of using body movement to activate certain parts of our brain.?
My right hand is controlled by my left hemisphere and my left hand is controlled by my right hemisphere, which means if I cross my right hand to my left and my left hand to my right.?
I have now achieved a state of simultaneously activating both of my hemispheres at the same time and this Full Brain Activation creates a unique effect in my mind.?
As if both hemispheres are active, I now have my logical and language core active while I have also activated my emotional and feelings core.?
Do you see, with both hemispheres simultaneously active I now have to ability to logically comprehend my emotions and feelings??
This was a gift given to me after I personally had my first mental breakdown years ago and it has been a life-changing practice I have incorporated into my daily life.?
Activity 1?
This practice is an introduction to full brain activation, the goal is to work on experiencing the sensation of activating both hemispheres of your brain simultaneously and getting used to the sensation of thinking with both hemispheres.?
The key to this practice is quieting your mind while doing this process, focusing on emotional shifts within your mind, and focusing on feeling the activation of both hemispheres.?
You will require sensory isolation, so sit comfortably in an armchair or lay down on your bed, cross your arms like stated above across your waist with your dominant hand on top, and also cross your legs with your opposite foot on top of your dominant foot.?
So for example my dominant side is my right hand, and right foot so I would cross my arms with my right hand over my left and my left foot over my right.?
Then I would close my eyes, with deep relaxed breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth or nose it does not matter too much.?
I then allow my thoughts to run through my mind, observing the narrative my conscious mind wants to imply to those thoughts, if I find myself becoming too engaged in those thoughts.?
I then shift my focus directing my subconscious to move those thoughts along and if I wish to expand and go deeper into those thoughts I can instead of shifting expand on those emotions or thoughts.?
The important thing to understand is we all have two identities in our minds the conscious identity and the subconscious identity, so it is important to understand I do not directly control my subconscious and I must work with my subconscious to help resolve negative subconscious thought patterns.?
To let go of past pain or emotional stress I must understand that the most effective way to do this is to gain help from my subconscious, as to the same extent if I would like your help I must ask and direct you to what I want to achieve and then allow you to perform the task without micromanagement.?
So for me how this looks is my conscious mind is Justin and my subconscious mind is the Beast, the reason for this identity comes from my younger days of training for survival and for the military.?
I follow the process above crossing my arms, and my legs, laying back, and opening a dialog with the Beast in my subconscious mind and I would say I would like to let go of all my negative feelings around X topic or event.?
I also let the Beast know how much I appreciate him for assisting me and how grateful I am as in my darkest days in life he is always right beside me down in the trenches fighting the good fight with me.?
Through this process, I am able to resolve any negative thoughts I may have but also I am able to use this separate identity to help recall information for me, to help repair my physical body and my mental landscape.?
As I do not need to know how to do this as my subconscious already understands more than I could ever dream of consciously knowing.?
But more importantly, I am able to work through any negative aspects of myself with myself for myself, as my subconscious is far far more powerful than my conscious mind and I would be an egotistical fool to think I consciously control my mind and body.?
The power of developing separate identities gives me the ability to delegate aspects of my personal healing of my personal development so that I am able to perform daily at a higher level in all aspects of my life.
Using Full Brain Activation With Validation Practices?
This is now an expansion on the above practice introducing our understanding of self-validation with our understanding of the full brain activation practice.?
This process allows us to then work on rooting our self-validation not only into our conscious mind but also simultaneously implant these validations into our subconscious mind.?
As we are able to lean on some fundamental Pysch-K principles to achieve more profound results in shorter timeframes.?
Giving us the ability to rather than working against our subconscious mind, to now work hand in hand with our subconscious mind to achieve the results we desire in our life.?
There are some small changes to this practice, revolving around basic conditioning principles and focusing on forcing a new narrative.?
For this practice to be successful, and for you to achieve the results you desire it is vital to respect the process and to believe that it will work, without 100% belief you will only damage your mental landscape and will waste both of our time.?
For this practice requires utter conviction, to show weakness will only lead to further weak thoughts being implanted in your mind.?
As we are working with the subconscious mind, you will not see the damage being done, but most definitely you will feel the negative outcome should you disrespect this process and your subconscious mind.?
Activity 1
When we are working with our subconscious mind we need to respect ourselves at the highest level and anything less is NOT good enough.?
Now that I have your attention I will explain the process of reprograming your subconscious mind and believe me the power of this process is profound and the risk is high should you fail to respect it.?
This process leverages repetition conditioning, this is where we use this process stated above to activate our full brain state, we then repeat our self-validation language pattern or belief until we feel an emotional shift.
This is not once or twice but we continue to repeat that belief until we forcibly shift our current belief or language pattern to the new one.?
But we must remain focused on our new language pattern or belief repeating it louder and louder for like a vicious predator those weak negative beliefs or language will try to tear you down to waiver your resolve.?
As to achieve success in this means what was there must die, and must be drowned out, so your resolve must never waiver in this process as your subconscious mind will fight you.?
Your mind will throw every negative limiting thought and emotion in your face, but like a warrior, you must stand the line and continue repeating louder and louder in your mind.?
Repeating the new thought or belief you wish to hold until your subconscious mind breaks and now agrees to your new thought or belief as its own.?
You will know you have succeeded when you feel an emotional shift within yourself, on the other hand, should you choose to give in to those negative thoughts of that weakness.?
You will entrench those negative thoughts or beliefs deeper into your subconscious, which means if you felt worthless to being with now you will feel utterly worthless like the lowest person in the world.?
Never give in to those weak thoughts, but unfortunately, I have watched people in this practice disregard their strengths choosing to live in their weakness and this practice did what I stated it would do it tore them down because they failed to respect themselves and most importantly the knowledge I presented.?
This knowledge has the ability to give you the power to shift your internal view of how you see yourself, to empower your mind through your emotional states and how you feel about yourself so all I ask is for you to respect yourself at the highest level.?????
Using Language Patterns To Influence Beliefs?
When we understand the power of our internal language to positively or negatively influence how we feel about ourselves and how the language we use directly influences the internal beliefs we hold about ourselves.?
We can start to understand all of the subliminal signals we are sending to our subconscious through the smallest of thoughts or the small little things we say to ourselves on a daily basis.?
For if I feel like someone has taken advantage of me in a situation, no matter if it is true or not, I have an internal dialog about why did this person do this to me.?
Why do people always take advantage of my kindness, what I am implanting into my subconscious is a belief that others will take advantage of me and this by default becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.?
My subconscious seeks out people who will take advantage of me, but to go deeper, even if those people would usually not take advantage of others, I will through my beliefs promote to them to take those actions against me.?
But deeper still my subconscious will focus on those aspects of my life, I will only ever see the moments in life where I perceived people taking advantage of me because my mind will amplify through my alertness all of those instances and it will discount any situation that goes against that belief.?
I will fail to see all of the situations in my life where others looked out for me because my mind will tell me not to trust those events as being real and will promote to me all of the events that support my current belief structure.?
Our mind will always seek to support our current belief structures, this is why we must have awareness of the language patterns we use within ourselves and we must remain in full control of the narratives we give to situations and events in our life.???
Activity 1
This is a mindfulness practice where we need to remain alert to the way in which we internally describe to ourselves what is happening in our life and to focus on physically changing our language while describing situations in reflection periods.?
For example, let's say I fall deeply in love with a girl who I believe feels the same way about me, 3 months into the relationship her behaviors shift and change from being receptive to me to now behaviors of rejecting me.?
So I might say to myself why is she rejecting me, why am I not good enough for her, why is this happening to me and I may feel that when I love someone they always reject me.?
Now the important thing to remember is she is not rejecting me, it was never right to begin with as once someone decides that they don’t wish to be with me and they start taking rejective actions towards me.?
They are not rejecting me as a person, they just don’t feel the same way as me it’s not that I am less than them or that who I am is not good enough.?
It just wasn’t right they are not trying to degrade me through their actions, it’s just they are not able to communicate their true intentions to me openly and it’s 100% ok in life to be wrong in a decision.?
My internal conversation should shift from they are rejecting me, to understanding I was wrong in my assumption of who I wanted to be with, maybe I overlooked internal red flags in this dating period and I should ask myself what kind of person or attributes I want in my next partner.?
I have zero control over another, but I have 100% control over who I want to be and what I want in a love situation.?
I should not focus on any actions taken against me as the other person is just taking actions in their life towards what they want in life, just as I am taking actions towards what I want in life and when I detach from this is happening to me and I shift my language to what would I like in life.?
I am able to let go of the past situation, I am able to focus on the positive aspects of my life and I am able to identify what were the red flags I overlooked in the past and how can I prevent a reoccurrence in the future.??
The important thing to remember is through this practice we want to shift our focus or awareness away from what has happened and redirect it to what could be in the future.????
Using Beliefs To Influence Feelings & Biochemical Responses?
When we understand how our beliefs or belief systems have a direct influence on how we feel in the moment and how our feelings directly influence how our brain operates in relation to our biochemical responses.?
We can now start to curate our internal biochemical states to better help us to perform at a higher level in our day-to-day life and to be able to now choose how we would like to feel in each moment.?
This is true freedom in life, as we no longer are slaves to our environment, where in any moment we have the freedom to create the state of being we wish to live our life in.?
To understand this further we need to understand the foundations of the states we wish to be in, but we must also understand the factors of change that cause our emotional shifts and our biochemical shifts.?
When I understand if I would like to feel happy to have the biochemical response of serotonin the happy chemical, then I must understand some simple triggers my mind uses to initiate the release of these chemicals into my brain and I must also understand how these chemicals can shift not only my perspective in life.?
But also my conscious states of being as this will through mindfulness practices allow me to control when I would like my brain to release this to help me through events or situations I may be going through in life.?
Activity 1
This practice involves an understanding of how my beliefs will change my feelings and how my feelings in the moment will change my biochemical responses through the way I view events or situations in my life.?
For example, let's say I am broke, I’ve tried my best to achieve an environmental state in my life of security and every time I become stable in life something negative happens or I fail in my pursuit.?
So I am back in a constant state of fear or instability, I feel not negative but I feel in the moment disempowered by the events happening in my life.?
Just by holding this belief of instability or failure, my beliefs are telling my subconscious mind that I am in a state of lack where I don’t have enough and this leads me to internally feel stressed or negative.?
Because I am not where I wish to be in life or I am unable to live how I think I should be living giving rise to heightened biochemical responses of stress.?
My mind will now due to those beliefs held, will tell my subconscious mind that I am not in a positive state in life, so my subconscious mind will promote a stress response and it will tell my conscious mind to focus on what I don’t have or what I am lacking.?
The result is I will feel my stressful emotions around my circumstances, which will lead to a rise in cortisol being released into my bloodstream, which will, in turn, activates my fight or flight response.?
This is my mind telling my body our external environment is not safe, therefore I must take action to make my environment safe or leave for a new environment as this is a survival mechanism to move me away from danger.?
But my mind does not understand the difference between physical danger and emotional danger, so if I am stressed about a situation, my subconscious mind treats it as a physical threat in my external environment.?
Pushing me to change my environment, while my conscious mind understands there is no physical danger so I take no action to shift my environment and this causes a disconnect between my conscious mind and my subconscious mind.?
This leads me to knowing logically I am safe, but emotionally I feel in danger causing confusion in my mind and heightening my stress levels.?
Remember our subconscious mind which controls emotions does not have the ability to understand logic or reason, so if I feel stressed my subconscious understands that danger is present in my environment.?
Our beliefs influence our subconscious mind more than our conscious thoughts influence our subconscious mind and our thoughts influence our beliefs in life.?
So we must use positive language to shape positive beliefs which will lead us to feeling safe or positive emotions and the result is our mind will release those chemicals associated with positive emotions.?????