Self-Transcendence: “I’m working on it”
Clayton LiaBraaten
Board-Level and C-Suite Growth Architect. Results. Period. THE Value-Add.
When it comes to mindfulness, I am a rank amateur - but a couple of years ago I finally overcame personal cynicism and self-doubt and mustered the willingness to try something altogether foreign to me. Like any aspiration worth attaining, meditation is a practice. Previously, it seemed counterintuitive to have to be “disciplined about relaxation - boy, have I had to unlearn a lot. For example, the difference between calm stillness and relaxation.
My misconceptions around meditation were pretty much based on the impossibilities of me ever achieving the peace of the archetypal levitating Buddha - let alone enlightenment. Once I was taught that everyone struggles with ‘monkey mind’ and that thoughts creep into even still consciousness, I became willing to at least experiment and allow the process a chance to take hold. I committed myself to something countless millions over millennia have relied on to seek and approximate balance.
There’ll be no monasteries for me. Likely no extended silent retreats. I have, however, managed to make meditation a part of life - though admittedly I principally snack-meditate, mornings and evenings. I listen to experts and read teachings. Like exercise, my conviction must be intentional and consistent.
I started with a 45 day commitment, believing change requires 6 weeks of repititon. I’ve never looked back, other than softly challenging myself “why did you wait so long to try this?”. The results have been powerful and myriad. My sleep hygeine is dramatically different, and my outlook on life infinitely more humble. Contentment permeates my existence. Most importantly, this concept of self-transcendence has led to major enhancements in all of my relationships, making me a better team mate, partner and leader. Personal interactions and lager presentations have benefited from natural confidence.
Again, akin to fitness - the transformation is subtle and protracted - but well worth the investment. A most worthwhile journey - I am hope be more mindful today than yesterday, but not as mindful as I’ll be tomorrow.