Self-Sabotaging Habits -  Why Would You Do That To Yourself?

Self-Sabotaging Habits - Why Would You Do That To Yourself?

As budding entrepreneurs, we all have huge goals. However, we also have self-doubt, worry much, and procrastinate. We are good at often sabotaging ourselves in a variety of ways.

Wait, what me? I don’t do that.

Well, self-sabotage habits aren't easy to avoid and several of these habits are hard to see in oneself. Identifying these habits should be a priority as it helps in your professional and personal development, saving you a lot of time and frustration.?

First step first- let’s see if you have these habits

  1. Procrastination

We all do it at some point, especially when we don’t really enjoy the work. Putting off responsibilities affects our self-confidence.?

If you procrastinate often, you interfere with your ability to do your best work.

  1. Perfectionism

Trying to be perfect might sound good, but it often hinders effectiveness. Perfectionists struggle to begin projects and then finish them once they begin.

If you are a perfectionist, you tend to talk yourself out of potential opportunities.

  1. Self-Criticism

Have you ever heard how you talk to yourself? We can prevent ourselves from achieving our goals by harshly criticizing ourselves.?

Our automatic responses are often unchecked and negatively rushing through our minds.

  1. Self-Medication

Drugs, alcohol and self-injury are many ways people try to soothe themselves when they are constantly fighting with themselves.

Most use it to sympathise with themselves and in their heads, they believe they can't succeed.

  1. Lack Of Planning

Keeping it spontaneous is fun, but only for when you are actually out there having fun. To have a successful career, you need to have some planning.

Plan your goals and struggle to achieve them? Review, reassess and set goals.

  1. Yes Wo/Man

Don’t know how to say no? If you are always saying yes to people, even when you don’t want to, there might be a lack of moderation and boundaries.

Overcommitting often leads to failure and fatigue.

  1. Not Being Perfectly Imperfect

It’s become a common thing now. People rarely accept they don’t know a thing about a certain topic or issue. It’s like we don’t want to show that we are vulnerable or incompetent.

We are not AI bots, we are human after all and it's okay if we don’t know everything.

  1. Not Admitting Your Mistakes

Most people think that by admitting I’m wrong, I’m giving the other person a chance to put me down. Well, in fact, you couldn’t be more wrong.

Mistakes are a part of our learning and development. Mistakes are about learning the lesson.

  1. Not Asking For Help

You know you want help on that project, but you don’t ask for it. You think they might think you don’t know much. Self-criticism is often to blame for it.?

We fear that by asking for help, we are highlighting our weaknesses.

Now that you know what self-sabotaging habits you have, you can replace them with self-advancement as self-sabotage is neither a part of your character nor defines who you are.?

But then again, you need to overcome habit #9 and ask for help.?



