Self Resurrecting
What a journey. When someone says they have been born again, this is the journey that is frequently talked about. But in what way can someone experience death and resurrection? We know that death marks the end of known life, so the intended meaning of this phrase wasn't literal. And by using this phrase, poets and philosophers symbolically expressed various psychological states.
A psychological change within oneself often comes with a fleeting feeling that is hard to notice or comprehend, yet the person undergoing the change feels it. We're all aware of the changes we undergo when transitioning between age stages. The transition from one state to another is a characteristic present in other cases. Such transitions require complete attention for them to happen. Included in them are cases that bring about significant changes within a person. It remains invisible until one gives it full attention and appropriate listening, which is the means to make it visible. With attention comes correction and proper formation. The invisible and static state can only reach a partial transformation unless the individual's awareness intervenes. This particular transformation, listed among others, is viewed as one of the most crucial changes an individual can go through, often likened to a rebirth. But how does that unfold? What exactly is this transformation?
In their works, ancient poets, writers, and philosophers wrote about a symbolic journey that represents death and rebirth. For this transformation to happen, individual intervention is required, it won't happen automatically. Consciousness is where it happens, more specifically, the ego center. A philosopher once said that one must go beyond oneself. Referring to the rebirth concept, but what we're about to uncover is that this transcendence, in our case, doesn't occur to oneself at this particular stage. It's more of a redefinition of the ego center than a complete transcendence.
There was a time when people, including me, thought that the ego represented the entire self of an individual. In other words, the ego encompasses all psychological processes and serves as the core of a person. Although we're aware of many unconscious processes that happen, both physical and psychological. However, the misconception is that the ego is solely responsible for everything that occurs within an individual, and that one's ego is the defining factor of their identity that they present to the world.
Defining the self involves recognizing it as the center of an individual that encompasses both conscious and unconscious elements. In consciousness, the ego is located in its center. When someone identifies their ego as their self, conflicts can arise because of the merging of the two. By recognizing that one's ego is merely a component of their entire self, they initiate a process of separation or transformation known as rebirth. Determining the location of the ego, which is the center of consciousness, results in the liberation of the ego's control over the self. Upon successfully completing this transformation, a beautiful feeling will emerge at the individual's core. Then it will become possible to approach the self. Which will never be fully known, and the reason lies in the existence of the unconscious. While we have located the ego as the center of consciousness, the center of the unconscious will remain a perpetual enigma. A fascinating fact arises: no matter how much we learn about ourselves, there will always be more to discover.