

“Your own Mirror!”

“In the wake of the events of today, not only in the nation of the free, but all around the world.”

“Freedom awaits “ALL” yet few shall find it!”

“The culture of this season is a large sickness and illness than ever before upon the face of the earth!”

“The battle is greater because of the cultural desires of praise evil and those who were and are evil today!”

“It is everywhere, from youth to old age, from the school houses to the business, “Most all of them,” with no one wanting to be the one to bring up the true cause of the harmfulness, hurtfulness, and very near future destruction of the youths of the world.”

“Blind eyes being allowed and accepted, without one bold enough to replace the so called evilness and wickedness, corruption and continued push for lawlessness; as the very children are being first exposed, than imploded, through vast fantasies, being offered that is causing the freedom of all, to become the controlling facture over all.”

“The battle is greater because of the work in which the enemy of good and of God Himself; have taught the youth of the season now to turn away from everything good and everything Godly!”

“Offering that one can be whatever they so desire to be. Using false and fake, fantasies, through offerings that sex and offering up of one’s self-exposure, of their youthfulness, will carry them wherever they so desire in th9eir fantasies to go, and become.”

“Teaching and portraying outward into every area of life of man, that “man is greater than God, that evil is better than good, that fading youthful exposure of self, is greater and that there truly is not one faithful unto God upon the earth today!”

“Falsely, teaching of who God Himself truly always has been, is and shall always remain. As stated by God Himself.”

“The acceptances of even My Own, has been drawn away from the Truth of My Words and the Power thereof within Me, Whom I AM that I AM within everything ever created!” “That I know the very hearts of every individual and that truly there is only one way to follow after! That which is Good!”

“Man has exchanged glory for sorrow, happiness for pain, sadness for joy, and letting up evilness and evil lawlessness through corruption instead of exchanging these for the better life, of goodness and joy and happiness!”

“They praise workers of darkness over the workers of Light! Because the Light within individuals has the individual’s accepted shade after shade to be draped over the true Light I placed and placed within them who long to believe and follow after My Light!”

“O have I not been speaking to you? Have I not shown you My power and have I not revealed into you, My Word of truth, My Way, and My Life.”

“Yet do you continue not understanding or is it because you are unwilling to receive what I have revealed into you; because truly you do not desire to change?”

“Are you fearful or do you desire to remain in fear in order to remain as you have been taught and you have learned to receive of the ways not of Me?”

“Simple, have I revealed the way you are to follow; yet you pick to continue in the harder ways because you believe your ways are above My ways, and your thoughts greater than Mine!”

“If you love Me, keep My commandments.

And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He May abide with you forever-

The Spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be IN you.

I will not leave you orphans: “I WILL COME TO YOU.”

A little while longer and the world will see Me no more, but you will see Me. Because I live, you will live also.

He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me.

And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and Manifest Myself to him.”

John -4:15-21

“Have I not told you and have I not shown you? Yet do you follow after My ways? Or have you given yourself over to following others and your own ways?”

“The world can not see Me, yet I have given you of Myself, My Spirit that you might be able to see Me! Or are you following after others who close up your sight nor do they look any longer to see Me?”

“If you have stopped looking and seeking and following after Me and are / continuing to flowing of the ways of this world and the teachings of the ways of this world; than you can not see Me, nor will you any longer accept My Manifesting Myself to you!”

“Personal relationship with Me, is the only way for you to see and for you to accept My Manifestation of Myself within you.”

“If anyone loves Me, “he will keep My Word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with them!””

“He who does not love Me does not keep My Words; and the word which you hear is not Mine but the Father’s who sent Me.

These things I have spoken to you while being present with you.

BUT the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you ALL THINGS, and bring to your remembrance ALL things that I said to you.

Peace, I leave with you, My, peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you.

Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

You have heard Me say to you, I am going away and coming back to you. If you loved Me, you would rejoice because I said, I am going to the Father, for My Father is greater than I.

And NOW I have told you before it comes, that when it does come to pass you may believe.”

John: 14:23-29

“Your very own mirror, for you to look into, or never again look at yourself as you have become yourselves.”

“Hear My Words and hear My voice! “Stop following after any other, repent and seek My face and I shall reveal Myself into you; as I have already so declared I shall!”

“Are your ways those of My Ways? Or have you accepted the lesser way, the wider way? Because you have stopped seeking, because you know not the way any longer, because you, have allowed yourself to be blown by every wind not of Me; have you stopped knocking because you have become acceptable of the deceptions and workings of the evil and lawless and corrupted ways of the many; and given up following the ways of the few?”

“For the one road leads to death and total separation from Me forevermore, yet My Way, My Road is hard and few shall follow after it!”

“My hand is reach out, My voice from My mouth is calling you by name; take My hand and repent and I shall make you fishermen of men once again!”

“I will do ALL, that I have told you I will do, and I will strengthen you with My strength; My strength which is matched by none other!”

“I will reside in you, I will be your more than enough and I will revive your youth and your understanding; that My kingdom is not of this world, nor are you any longer of this world!”

“These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain IN you, and that your joy may be full!”

John 15:11

“For I have called you, that “YOU,” may be My deference, My Light, Shining in the darkness of this evil and desired forgetting of Me, world.”

“Will “YOU,” return to Me?”

“Now you know and can understand, the meaning of “if your hand cases you to turn away from Me, cut it off, or your foot, or any other thing, casting these things away, is better for you and your beloved, than the destruction of your own Separating, yourself and allowing your own beloved to also become separated from Me.”

“Take another look into your own mirror, and keep looking not forgetting who you, yourselves are.”

So let it be Lord Jesus, in Your Name:



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