SELF – Reconstruct
Sohail Ahmed
Ask me a question, if I don't know the answer, gonna tell you that I don't know. But BET you, I know how to find the answer and shall find the answer.
Happened to read a quote” When you get broken down don’t worry. Its time, for you to rebuild yourself, even better than you were before.
People tend to be cruel, and many a times for no apparent reason, or maybe just to satisfy their own personal egos.
Agreed it’s difficult to handle being broken down after years of hard work and toil to get to where we are, and many a times feel proud of what we have achieved and what we have become . However one’s achievements are often the thorns in other people’s sides. The people tend to fall prey to jealousy and react with, malice and hatred, and because they find achieving time taking, strenuous, and demanding sacrifices. They find it a short cut to cut you down, break you.
But don’t fret let them break you, bring you down brick by brick, they don’t know it but they are doing you a favor. They are showing you your weakness, the chinks in your armor. And now is your chance to rebuild, get better and stronger giving you the trust to go further than you had gone before. Achieving a new and better version of “YOU” a bit more close to being flawless.
Let all this Heat and pressure evolve you from chunk of useful Coal into a priceless unbreakable DIAMOND
Cruise Control:- Producer and Presenter at Radio 786
7 年Love it and well said. Atleast u.can say your work experiences has given u that ability and capability to soar to new heights… as u r doing right now. Your new job will have challenges, but as i know u… .challenge is your 1st name and u thrive on it. That is when the person that u truly are emerges.