"Self-Preservation Society" or just carrying-on Self-Harming!?
S.M.A.R.T. Foundation UK Diversity and Inclusion

"Self-Preservation Society" or just carrying-on Self-Harming!?

Appreciating the up-date as a member of the public who may only interact / communicate with public services via the internet as they have gone paperless but, what about the millions of government employees Accessibility !?

Even at a minimum of 10% suffering Dyslexia that accounts for 43,000 of the 58% of DSE operators experiencing vision stress, binocular eye-strain, eye and headaches, blurred or worse double vision, dizziness, migraine, presenteeism and an average 20% lost productivity with out getting into other debilitating MSDs, WRULD's and MSK's.



But I suppose expediently omitting or admitting that they know anything about the HSE 2007 meta study or the 2016 WHO International Classification of Diseases 10th revision would open them up to "retrospective occupational health claims" it's better ignoring Product Safety of Display Screens and only focus on those with preexisting Disabilities ignoring any other age diverse user operator in the 21st Century.

Following the retrospective 2011 High Court findings in "Baker -v- Quantum Clothing and Others" still waiting for the No-Win No-Fee boys to progress from occupational deafness to unmitigated "vision-loss" due to Screen Fatigue or worse Computer Vision Syndrome, presenting in progressive "myopic and asthenopic disease".

It would have seamed to make sense to include everyone's Display Screen within the "UK Accessibility Regulations" as, display screen equipment ergonomics excluded from UK 1993 DSE Regulations and sort of omitted from 1998 PUWER Act (Provision & Use of Work Equipment Regulations) although, included in 2010 Equality Act section '20' the right to make "Reasonable Adjustments or Accommodations" to provide Accessibility and thereby "preventing or mitigating" repetitive stress workplace injuries?

Maybe since 2018 regardless of ISO 45001 "Work Exposure Limits" without a "Right to Disconnect" from digital 24/7 along with work-stress and sleep procrastination DSE user operators really are to fatigued or maybe frightened to join the "Self-Preservation Society" and make the Reasonable Adjustments or Accommodations to preserve their vision, wellbeing and occupational health accepting they will suffer debilitating non-communicable occupational health diseases?

No surprise Government, HSE Ergonomics Division, BSI etc, expediently avoiding reviews since 2007 and not providing guidance on Product Safety preventing or mitigating Screen Fatigue or CVS !

Passing the buck following 2017 DSE Safety Alert .....


As an employee, you should:

take reasonable care of "your safety, health and welfare"

complete the?DSE user awareness module on HSeLanD

review your risk assessments and control measures to ensure they are "effective"

"report" any defect take reasonable care of "your safety, health and welfare"

complete the?DSE user awareness module on HSeLanD

review your risk assessments and control measures to ensure they are "effective"

"report" any defects in work equipment to your manager

INACCESSIBILITY of course, not yet defined as a "defect"

So, who is going to have the self-advocacy to complete a FREE Self-Administered "Visual Risk Assessment" ?




