In today’s corporate world we often see unsatisfied or demotivated employees in an organization. It is mainly due to as per the employee’s belief the management biased approach towards different employees. like bad appraisal, delayed promotion even though it was promised, promotion of your colleague, less annual incentive compared to the other colleaguesetc. Assigning new / important project or job profile to some specific employee. All such incidents will substantially damage our motivation to work in an organization. And it is quite normal human behaviour. But we are able to see only once side of the situation from our own perspective only. We can’t see the opposite perspective of the management side.
No matter wherever we are working, any employee appraisal is always subjective on the perception of the appraiser about the appraisee. It is not important what you think you are deserving but what the appraiser believes you are deserving. Some times maybe it is biased, but majorly it is pure business decision. Since weare seeing the situation on our own perspective only, but the appraiser is having the overall picture of the whole department and overall organization as a bird eye view. He is in better position to apprise correctly. There can be some other factors that are affecting the decision of appraisal that we are not able to see or recognize as an individual employee of an organization. Cost of replacement, cost of loosing business, Criticality of the profile handled by the employee, Market demand of the same profile etc. due to which an organization give goods appraisal to some specific employee then the other. Sometimes appraisal is also used as a tool of reward to the loyal and honest long serving employee. Emotionally we should not get demotivated by comparing our increment with others. It is purely a number game that can be drastically change in next increment cycle.
There are basically two reasons not to get demotivated.
First is emotional reason:
If we get demotivated, then anyhow we can not perform well in the organization, which again lead to bad appraisal next time. This will become vicious circle, bad increment leads to demotivation, demotivation leads to bad performance and again bad performance leads to demotivation. So, to ensure our own progress we should stay motivated.
The second reason is the professional reason:
As a matured professional we should understand that our growth journey is not only dependent on the increment or appraisal given by the organization. Also, it is a pure business decision and not a personal or emotional decision.
What one should do:
Emotional Steps: First of all,throw out all the negative emotion / feelings from your mind about the organizational business. Develop confidence in yourself. learn to enjoy what you have and what you are getting. Don’t compare your Salary / increment / profile with any one in your organization not even with your close colleague. Remember yourhappiness is in your own hand and no one outside can destroy your happiness if you want to be happy and motivated.
Professional Steps: Try to rebrand yourself with a clean image. Avoid unnecessary arguments, discussionwith colleagues on professional or personal matter. Always show your willingness to help other colleagues. Try to grab projects / profile which are of importantto your superior/top management or make gradually realise them the importance of the profile which you are handling. Never criticize your colleagues, supervisor or your company in any manner whatsoever. Try to get master in your own subject and do everything to showcase your knowledge to other colleagues and superiors in professional manner. Always be ready to grab opportunity in which you can show your expertise / knowledge / skill to your superior / management.
After all these efforts it is not guaranteed that the things will change for you, but still, you have to remain motivated. Because ultimately you will get what you are supposed to get.