Self Motivation Books

Self Motivation Books

Best Motivation Books

1. 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself

Creating inspiration within

In his introduction to the 3rd edition, Chandler likens motivation to fire, a burning desire to achieve. The problem becomes, how does one get an inner “fire” started? Are some just born inspired? “My own life’s turning point came when I discovered I could light that fire all by myself,” Chandler writes. Just as starting a fire requires the friction of two sticks rubbing together, it takes action to create an inner fire, a motivating drive.

Overcoming self-defeating thoughts

Chandler quotes psychotherapist and author Dr. Nathaniel Branden, “A goal without an action plan is a daydream, ” and 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself is a kind of action plan. Each short chapter, by way of anecdotes, populated with a wide range of characters from Arnold Schwarzenegger to Winston Churchill, describes techniques to overcome self-defeating thoughts and behaviors. This updated version includes new mental and spiritual techniques developed through Chandler’s experience as a personal coach.

The book opens with a look at the big picture. What is important? What do you really want from life? Chapter one, morbidly titled Get on your deathbed, is actually enlightening. It asks the reader to imagine they are dying. What would you want to say to each person that visits you as your life ends? Subsequent chapters ask the reader to create a vision of themselves, harness their own strengths and weakness to work for, not against, goals.

Taking control of your own destiny

As 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself unfolds, Chandler explains how to beat procrastination, tackle formidable projects, plan each day (thereby planning years) to create a productive and rewarding life. He warns against pessimism and finger pointing. In the chapter Turn your mother down, he writes, “…blaming someone never self-motivates because it strengthens the belief that your life is being shaped by forces outside yourself.” This is a key message throughout the book. Chandler continually reminds his readers that they have the power to build their lives.

Some chapters may strike readers as clichéd versions of popular self-help advice, while other chapters may produce an “aha moment.” Each chapter may be read on its own, and readers may return again and again to the little nuggets of insight for renewed inspiration when resolve is flagging. Taken as a whole, 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself provides concrete ways to ignite the passion and creativity necessary to achieve goals.

2. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, is the story of a highly sought litigator, Julian Mantle, who turned Monk. His high flying career was put to a halt after a heart failure while he was representing in the court. He was left with two choices — ending his career or ending his life.

In summary, I’ll leave you with the closing words of Julian Mantle, “Begin to live each day as if it was your last. Starting today, learn more, laugh more and do what you truly love to do. Do not be denied your destiny. For what lies behind you and what lies in front of you matters little when compared to what lies within you.”

3. Awaken the Giant within: How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical and Financial Life

One-sentence summary of “Awaken the giant within”: To be successful, you have to succeed in mastering your emotions, body, relationships, belief and finance, in other words your whole life, which is what Anthony Robbins puts forward: capture your dreams.

Chapter 1: Dreams of destiny

Chapter 2: Decisions: the power path

Chapter 3: The power that determines your life

Chapter 4: The belief system, the power to create and destroy

Chapter 5: Can one change immediately?

Chapter 6: How to change any aspect of your life: the science of neuro-associative conditioning.

Chapter 7: How to get what you really want

Chapter 8: Questions are the best tools

Chapter 9: The vocabulary of ultimate success

Chapter 10: Overcome the obstacles and launch your success: the power of metaphors

Chapter 11: The ten dynamic emotions

Chapter 12: A magnificent obsession: an extraordinary future

Chapter 13: The ten day challenge

Chapter 14: Supreme influence : your master plan

Chapter 15: Values: your personal compass

Chapter 16: The rules: if you are unhappy here is why!

Chapter 17 :Standards, the fabric of life

Chapter 18: Identity: the key to personal growth

4. The 5 Second Rule: Transform your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage

This book is perfect for: The individual who is restless about life in particular and what they want to do. The individual who needs a way to get the extra push to get them going in the right direction. Anyone trying to improve their life

The first book that I have read or in this case listened to on Audible was The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins. The main premise of the book is using the 5 second rule to effectively change your life. She talks about using the rule to change your eating habits, working out, meeting new people, and getting comfortable with being uncomfortable.

5. David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits and the Art of Battling Giants

“The fact of being an underdog can change people in ways that we often fail to appreciate: it can open doors and create opportunities and educate and enlighten and make possible what might otherwise have seemed unthinkable.”

  • Read about a host of Davids defeating their Goliaths through unconventional strategies
  • Understand that you always have a chance at success, no matter the odds
  • Feel uplifted that even the most debilitating, deep-rooted disadvantages can reap rewards
  • Be more aware about how advantages have limits
  • Have your mind opened to the fact that force and oppression rarely works, no matter how much power you wield



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