Self love
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Self-respect means, first and foremost, how we relate to ourselves. Do we criticize ourselves when we make mistakes? Do we try to find solutions when we find ourselves in an apparently hopeless situation? Do we tell ourselves phrases like “It will be fine, I’ll find a way,” “I am strong, I can get through this,” or “I give up, I will never succeed”?
The way we talk to ourselves shapes us. A lot. Negative thinking will generally bring negative things into our lives. And we will get used to it.
Exercise: Try to think positively at all times—you will immediately feel a change in your attitude.
Physical Acceptance
We’ve all heard the phrase “love yourself.” Many people confuse self-love with narcissism, and that’s where we get scared. We don’t want to become narcissistic, we don’t want to become selfish. But self-love comes with accepting our physical imperfections—we stop criticizing our flaws and no longer blame ourselves.
Love is reached through forgiveness. Forgiveness? Of whom? Of ourselves.
How do we achieve self-love? First, we forgive ourselves, we accept ourselves as we are, and then love will come naturally. Once we start loving ourselves, our perspective on everything changes. And the people around us will notice it.
How Can a Coach Help You?
Do you want to learn more about self-respect and self-love? Do you want to discover what you are truly capable of, just by changing the way you think?
A coach guides you, supports you, and is there for you when you feel unsure about which direction to take.
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