Marie Ricketts-Scott, , MBA, BSc, Dip ED
Learning & Development Specialist, Lecturer, Founding Director -Jamaica Lung Support. Logistic Professional
A few days ago, I had an interaction with an individual who found it difficult to accept the actions of another individual. It was within that exchange that I pointed out that the essence of life is happiness, and we are all striving for the same goal. In so doing, people are going to do whatever is best for themselves. We hurt ourselves when we expect them to act otherwise. This should not be too hard to understand, as the Bible asks us to love others the way we love ourselves. Thus, loving yourself is a requirement for loving others. If you think highly of yourself, you will think highly of others and the reverse is true.
So, to expect someone to act outside of his or her best interest and to love you more than he or she loves themselves is unnatural. The action your friend, your brother, or sister takes today is not meant to hurt you, it is however meant to enhance their wellbeing and to ensure they live their best life.
People don't hurt us it is our expectations and our thoughts about the situation which cause us hurt and pain. Peace becomes yours when you realize that “the root of disappointment comes from holding expectations”. John Maxwell.