The definition of self love - looking after your well being -emotionally,physically and mentally. This adds value to who you are.
Reasons why you should love the skin you are in. You are the only one with a unique blue print on the planet. Loving from within ignites what you share to the wider world.
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The idea,of the woman that you will become,is largely shaped by society,culture,environment,families and communities we belong to. Social economics plays a part too. This informs the way we look,think and behave. As young girls,we are verbally and subliminally given messages of what is expected from us. The is then absorb in the subconscious mind and we are automatically triggered. Carefully loving and nourishing others,makes us a good woman we are told. To want to pour some of that love on ourselves would be seen as a selfish act.
Many women come into the self-love realm,via crisis. After breakdown of relationships,illness,stress and general burn out. Others have had a light bulb moment of there must be more to life,and have put plans into place to discover what it is.
Transition - Is it easy? Change is never an easy route. Going back and forth within the process is normal. Unleashing unwanted habitual habits and behaviors takes time. Stay in the zone,and you will see the beauty as the journey continues.
Tips for the Journey
Clear deep rooted issues that sabotage your connection to self love. (childhood trauma) Seek professional help. Read/watch information on self love - attend seminars. Practice a daily regime - state gratitude,walk in nature,affirmations,deep breathing,stretching,meditation/prayer,listen to music,journal. Be consistent. Plan a 30 challenge of self-love activities. Show acceptance,compassion and kindness a least once a day.
Know that you deserve the best love.
Janet Brown